Source code for faucet.gauge

"""OSKenApp shim between Ryu and Gauge."""

# Copyright (C) 2015 Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2015--2019 The Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import time

from os_ken.controller.handler import MAIN_DISPATCHER
from os_ken.controller.handler import set_ev_cls
from os_ken.controller import ofp_event

from faucet import valve_of
from faucet.conf import InvalidConfigError
from faucet.config_parser import watcher_parser
from faucet.gauge_pollers import GaugePortStatePoller
from faucet.gauge_prom import GaugePrometheusClient
from faucet.valves_manager import ConfigWatcher
from faucet.valve_of import ofp, parser
from faucet.valve_ryuapp import EventReconfigure, OSKenAppBase
from faucet.valve_util import dpid_log, kill_on_exception
from faucet.watcher import watcher_factory

[docs] class Gauge(OSKenAppBase): """Ryu app for polling Faucet controlled datapaths for stats/state. It can poll multiple datapaths. The configuration files for each datapath should be listed, one per line, in the file set as the environment variable GAUGE_CONFIG. It logs to the file set as the environment variable GAUGE_LOG, """ logname = "gauge" exc_logname = logname + ".exception" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.watchers = {} self.config_watcher = ConfigWatcher() self.faucet_config_watchers = [] self.prom_client = GaugePrometheusClient(reg=self._reg) self.thread_managers = (self.prom_client,) @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def _check_thread_exception(self): super()._check_thread_exception() def _get_watchers(self, ryu_event): """Get Watchers instances to response to an event. Args: ryu_event (ryu.controller.event.EventReplyBase): DP event. Returns: """ return self._get_datapath_obj(self.watchers, ryu_event) @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def _load_config(self): """Load Gauge config.""" try: ( conf_hash, _faucet_config_files, faucet_conf_hashes, new_confs, ) = watcher_parser(self.config_file, self.logname, self.prom_client) watchers = [ watcher_factory(watcher_conf)( watcher_conf, self.logname, self.prom_client ) for watcher_conf in new_confs ] self.prom_client.reregister_nonflow_vars() except InvalidConfigError as err: self.config_watcher.update(self.config_file) self.logger.error("invalid config: %s", err) return for old_watchers in self.watchers.values(): self._stop_watchers(old_watchers) new_watchers = {} for watcher in watchers: watcher_dpid = watcher.dp.dp_id watcher_type = watcher.conf.type if watcher_dpid not in new_watchers: new_watchers[watcher_dpid] = {} if watcher_type not in new_watchers[watcher_dpid]: new_watchers[watcher_dpid][watcher_type] = [] new_watchers[watcher_dpid][watcher_type].append(watcher) timestamp = time.time() for watcher_dpid, watchers in new_watchers.items(): ryu_dp = self.dpset.get(watcher_dpid) if ryu_dp: self._start_watchers(ryu_dp, watchers, timestamp) self.watchers = new_watchers self.config_watcher.update(self.config_file, {self.config_file: conf_hash}) self.faucet_config_watchers = [] for faucet_config_file, faucet_conf_hash in faucet_conf_hashes.items(): faucet_config_watcher = ConfigWatcher() faucet_config_watcher.update(faucet_config_file, faucet_conf_hash) self.faucet_config_watchers.append(faucet_config_watcher)"watching FAUCET config %s", faucet_config_file)"config complete") @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def _update_watcher(self, name, ryu_event): """Call watcher with event data.""" watchers, _ryu_dp, msg = self._get_watchers(ryu_event) if watchers is None: return if name in watchers: for watcher in watchers[name]: watcher.update(ryu_event.timestamp, msg) def _config_files_changed(self): for config_watcher in [self.config_watcher] + self.faucet_config_watchers: if config_watcher.files_changed(): return True return False
[docs] @set_ev_cls(EventReconfigure, MAIN_DISPATCHER) def reload_config(self, ryu_event): """Handle request for Gauge config reload.""" super().reload_config(ryu_event) self._load_config()
@staticmethod def _start_watchers(ryu_dp, watchers, timestamp): """Start watchers for DP if active.""" for watchers_by_name in watchers.values(): for i, watcher in enumerate(watchers_by_name): is_active = i == 0 watcher.report_dp_status(1) watcher.start(ryu_dp, is_active) if isinstance(watcher, GaugePortStatePoller): for port in ryu_dp.ports.values(): msg = parser.OFPPortStatus( ryu_dp, desc=port, reason=ofp.OFPPR_ADD ) watcher.update(timestamp, msg) @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def _datapath_connect(self, ryu_event): """Handle DP up. Args: ryu_event (ryu.controller.event.EventReplyBase): DP event. """ watchers, ryu_dp, _ = self._get_watchers(ryu_event) if watchers is None: return"%s up", dpid_log( ryu_dp.send_msg(valve_of.faucet_config(datapath=ryu_dp)) ryu_dp.send_msg(valve_of.faucet_async(datapath=ryu_dp, packet_in=False)) self._start_watchers(ryu_dp, watchers, time.time()) @staticmethod def _stop_watchers(watchers): """Stop watchers for DP.""" for watchers_by_name in watchers.values(): for watcher in watchers_by_name: watcher.report_dp_status(0) if watcher.is_active(): watcher.stop() @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def _datapath_disconnect(self, ryu_event): """Handle DP down. Args: ryu_event (ryu.controller.event.EventReplyBase): DP event. """ watchers, ryu_dp, _ = self._get_watchers(ryu_event) if watchers is None: return"%s down", dpid_log( self._stop_watchers(watchers) _WATCHER_HANDLERS = { ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus: "port_state", # pylint: disable=no-member ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply: "port_stats", # pylint: disable=no-member ofp_event.EventOFPFlowStatsReply: "flow_table", # pylint: disable=no-member ofp_event.EventOFPMeterStatsReply: "meter_stats", # pylint: disable=no-member }
[docs] @set_ev_cls( ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus, MAIN_DISPATCHER # pylint: disable=no-member ) @set_ev_cls( ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER # pylint: disable=no-member ) @set_ev_cls( ofp_event.EventOFPFlowStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER # pylint: disable=no-member ) @set_ev_cls( ofp_event.EventOFPMeterStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER # pylint: disable=no-member ) @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def update_watcher_handler(self, ryu_event): """Handle any kind of stats/change event. Args: ryu_event (ryu.controller.event.EventReplyBase): stats/change event. """ self._update_watcher(self._WATCHER_HANDLERS[type(ryu_event)], ryu_event)