Source code for faucet.faucet_dot1x

"""802.1x implementation for FAUCET."""

# Copyright (C) 2013 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Brad Cowie, Christopher Lorier and Joe Stringer.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2015--2017 The Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from os_ken.lib import hub
from chewie import chewie
from faucet.valve_util import kill_on_exception

[docs] def get_mac_str(valve_index, port_num): """Gets the mac address string for the valve/port combo Args: valve_index (int): The internally used id of the valve. port_num (int): port number Returns: str """ two_byte_port_num = "%04x" % port_num two_byte_port_num_formatted = two_byte_port_num[:2] + ":" + two_byte_port_num[2:] return "00:00:00:%02x:%s" % (valve_index, two_byte_port_num_formatted)
[docs] class FaucetDot1x: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Wrapper for experimental Chewie 802.1x authenticator.""" exc_logname = None def __init__(self, logger, exc_logname, metrics, send_flow_msgs): self.logger = logger self.metrics = metrics self.exc_logname = exc_logname self.mac_to_port = {} # {"00:00:00:00:00:02" : (valve_0, port_1)} self.dp_id_to_valve_index = {} self.thread = None self._send_flow_msgs = send_flow_msgs self._valves = None self._dot1x_speaker = None self._auth_acl_name = None self._noauth_acl_name = None def _create_dot1x_speaker( self, dot1x_intf, chewie_id, radius_ip, radius_port, radius_secret ): """ Args: dot1x_intf (str): chewie_id (str): radius_ip (str): radius_port (int): radius_secret (str): Returns: Chewie """ _chewie = chewie.Chewie( dot1x_intf, self.logger, self.auth_handler, self.failure_handler, self.logoff_handler, radius_ip, radius_port, radius_secret, chewie_id, ) self.thread = hub.spawn( = "chewie" return _chewie def _get_valve_and_port(self, port_id): """Finds the valve and port that this address corresponds to Args: port_id: is a macaddress string""" valve, port = self.mac_to_port[port_id] return (valve, port) def _get_acls(self, datapath): """Returns tuple of acl values""" auth_acl = datapath.acls.get(self._auth_acl_name) noauth_acl = datapath.acls.get(self._noauth_acl_name) return (auth_acl, noauth_acl) # Loggin Methods
[docs] def log_auth_event(self, valve, port_num, mac_str, status): """Log an authentication attempt event""" self.metrics.inc_var("dp_dot1x_{}".format(status), valve.dp.base_prom_labels()) self.metrics.inc_var( "port_dot1x_{}".format(status), valve.dp.port_labels(port_num) ) "{} from MAC {} on {}".format(status.capitalize(), mac_str, port_num) ) valve.dot1x_event( { "AUTHENTICATION": { "dp_id": valve.dp.dp_id, "port": port_num, "eth_src": mac_str, "status": status, } } )
[docs] def log_port_event(self, event_type, port_type, valve, port_num): """Log a dot1x port event""" valve.dot1x_event( { event_type: { "dp_id": valve.dp.dp_id, "port": port_num, "port_type": port_type, } } )
[docs] @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def auth_handler( self, address, port_id, *args, **kwargs ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Callback for when a successful auth happens.""" address_str = str(address) valve, dot1x_port = self._get_valve_and_port(port_id) port_num = dot1x_port.number self.log_auth_event(valve, port_num, address_str, "success") flowmods = self._get_login_flowmod( dot1x_port, valve, address_str, kwargs.get("vlan_name", None), kwargs.get("filter_id", None), ) if flowmods: self._send_flow_msgs(valve, flowmods)
[docs] @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def logoff_handler(self, address, port_id): """Callback for when an EAP logoff happens.""" address_str = str(address) valve, dot1x_port = self._get_valve_and_port(port_id) port_num = dot1x_port.number self.log_auth_event(valve, port_num, address_str, "logoff") flowmods = self._get_logoff_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve, address_str) if flowmods: self._send_flow_msgs(valve, flowmods)
[docs] @kill_on_exception(exc_logname) def failure_handler(self, address, port_id): """Callback for when a EAP failure happens.""" address_str = str(address) valve, dot1x_port = self._get_valve_and_port(port_id) port_num = dot1x_port.number self.log_auth_event(valve, port_num, address_str, "failure") flowmods = self._get_logoff_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve, address_str) if flowmods: self._send_flow_msgs(valve, flowmods)
[docs] def set_mac_str(self, valve, valve_index, port_num): """ Args: valve (Valve): valve_index (int): port_num (int): Returns: str """ mac_str = get_mac_str(valve_index, port_num) port = valve.dp.ports[port_num] self.mac_to_port[mac_str] = (valve, port) return mac_str
[docs] def nfv_sw_port_up(self, dp_id, dot1x_ports, nfv_sw_port): """Setup the dot1x forward port acls when the nfv_sw_port comes up. Args: dp_id (int): dot1x_ports (Iterable of Port objects): nfv_sw_port (Port): Returns: list of flowmods """ self._dot1x_speaker.port_down( get_mac_str(self.dp_id_to_valve_index[dp_id], nfv_sw_port.number) ) valve = self._valves[dp_id] self.log_port_event("PORT_UP", "nfv", valve, nfv_sw_port.number) ret = [] for port in dot1x_ports: ret.extend(self.create_flow_pair(dp_id, port, nfv_sw_port, valve)) return ret
[docs] def port_up(self, dp_id, dot1x_port, nfv_sw_port): """Setup the dot1x forward port acls. Args: dp_id (int): dot1x_port (Port): nfv_sw_port (Port): Returns: list of flowmods """ port_num = dot1x_port.number mac_str = get_mac_str(self.dp_id_to_valve_index[dp_id], port_num) self._dot1x_speaker.port_up(mac_str) valve = self._valves[dp_id] self.log_port_event("PORT_UP", "supplicant", valve, port_num) # Dealing with ACLs flowmods = [] flowmods.extend(self.create_flow_pair(dp_id, dot1x_port, nfv_sw_port, valve)) flowmods.extend(self._add_unauthenticated_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve)) if dot1x_port.dot1x_mab:"Port % is using Mac Auth Bypass", dot1x_port.number) flowmods.append(self.create_mab_flow(dp_id, dot1x_port, nfv_sw_port, valve)) return flowmods
[docs] def create_mab_flow(self, dp_id, dot1x_port, nfv_sw_port, valve): """Creates a flow that mirrors UDP packets from port 68 (DHCP) from the supplicant to the nfv port Args: dp_id (int): dot1x_port (Port): nfv_sw_port (Port): valve (Valve): Returns: list """ acl_manager = valve.acl_manager if dot1x_port.running(): valve_index = self.dp_id_to_valve_index[dp_id] mac = get_mac_str(valve_index, dot1x_port.number) return acl_manager.create_mab_flow( dot1x_port.number, nfv_sw_port.number, mac ) return []
[docs] def create_flow_pair(self, dp_id, dot1x_port, nfv_sw_port, valve): """Creates the pair of flows that redirects the eapol packets to/from the supplicant and nfv port Args: dp_id (int): dot1x_port (Port): nfv_sw_port (Port): valve (Valve): Returns: list """ acl_manager = valve.acl_manager if dot1x_port.running(): valve_index = self.dp_id_to_valve_index[dp_id] mac = get_mac_str(valve_index, dot1x_port.number) return acl_manager.create_dot1x_flow_pair( dot1x_port.number, nfv_sw_port.number, mac ) return []
[docs] def port_down(self, dp_id, dot1x_port, nfv_sw_port): """ Remove the acls added by FaucetDot1x.get_port_acls Args: dp_id (int): dot1x_port (Port): nfv_sw_port (Port): Returns: list of flowmods """ valve_index = self.dp_id_to_valve_index[dp_id] port_num = dot1x_port.number mac = get_mac_str(valve_index, port_num) self._dot1x_speaker.port_down(mac) valve = self._valves[dp_id] acl_manager = valve.acl_manager self.log_port_event("PORT_DOWN", "supplicant", valve, port_num) flowmods = [] flowmods.extend(self._del_authenticated_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve, mac)) flowmods.extend(self._del_unauthenticated_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve)) # NOTE: The flow_pair are not included in unauthed flowmod flowmods.extend( acl_manager.del_mab_flow(dot1x_port.number, nfv_sw_port.number, mac) ) flowmods.extend( acl_manager.del_dot1x_flow_pair(dot1x_port.number, nfv_sw_port.number, mac) ) return flowmods
[docs] def reset(self, valves): """Set up a dot1x speaker.""" self._valves = valves dot1x_valves = [ valve for valve in valves.values() if valve.dp.dot1x and valve.dp.dot1x_ports() ] assert len(dot1x_valves) < 255, "dot1x not supported for > 255 DPs" if not dot1x_valves: return first_valve = dot1x_valves[0] dot1x_intf = first_valve.dp.dot1x["nfv_intf"] radius_ip = first_valve.dp.dot1x["radius_ip"] radius_port = first_valve.dp.dot1x["radius_port"] radius_secret = first_valve.dp.dot1x["radius_secret"] self._auth_acl_name = first_valve.dp.dot1x.get("auth_acl") self._noauth_acl_name = first_valve.dp.dot1x.get("noauth_acl") self._dot1x_speaker = self._create_dot1x_speaker( dot1x_intf, first_valve.dp.faucet_dp_mac, radius_ip, radius_port, radius_secret, ) for valve_index, valve in enumerate(dot1x_valves, start=0): self.dp_id_to_valve_index[valve.dp.dp_id] = valve_index for dot1x_port in valve.dp.dot1x_ports(): self.set_mac_str(valve, valve_index, dot1x_port.number) "dot1x enabled on %s (%s) port %s, NFV interface %s" % (valve.dp, valve_index, dot1x_port, dot1x_intf) ) valve.dot1x_event({"ENABLED": {"dp_id": valve.dp.dp_id}})
def _get_logoff_flowmod(self, dot1x_port, valve, mac_str): """Return flowmods required to logoff port""" flowmods = [] flowmods.extend(self._del_authenticated_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve, mac_str)) flowmods.extend(self._add_unauthenticated_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve)) return flowmods def _get_login_flowmod( self, dot1x_port, valve, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments mac_str, vlan_name, acl_name, ): """Return flowmods required to login port""" flowmods = [] flowmods.extend(self._del_unauthenticated_flowmod(dot1x_port, valve)) flowmods.extend( self._add_authenticated_flowmod( dot1x_port, valve, mac_str, vlan_name, acl_name ) ) return flowmods def _add_authenticated_flowmod( self, dot1x_port, valve, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments mac_str, vlan_name, acl_name, ): """Return flowmods for successful authentication on port""" port_num = dot1x_port.number flowmods = [] acl_manager = valve.acl_manager acl = valve.dp.acls.get(acl_name, None) if dot1x_port.dot1x_dyn_acl and acl: "DOT1X_DYN_ACL: Adding ACL '{0}' for port '{1}'".format( acl_name, port_num ) ) self.logger.debug( "DOT1X_DYN_ACL: ACL contents: '{0}'".format(str(acl.__dict__)) ) flowmods.extend(acl_manager.add_port_acl(acl, port_num, mac_str)) elif dot1x_port.dot1x_acl: auth_acl, _ = self._get_acls(valve.dp) "DOT1X_PRE_ACL: Adding ACL '{0}' for port '{1}'".format( acl_name, port_num ) ) self.logger.debug( "DOT1X_PRE_ACL: ACL contents: '{0}'".format(str(auth_acl.__dict__)) ) flowmods.extend(acl_manager.add_port_acl(auth_acl, port_num, mac_str)) else: flowmods.extend(acl_manager.add_authed_mac(port_num, mac_str)) if vlan_name: flowmods.extend(valve.add_dot1x_native_vlan(port_num, vlan_name)) return flowmods def _del_authenticated_flowmod(self, dot1x_port, valve, mac_str): """Return flowmods for deleting authentication flows from a port""" flowmods = [] port_num = dot1x_port.number acl_manager = valve.acl_manager if dot1x_port.dot1x_acl: auth_acl, _ = self._get_acls(valve.dp) flowmods.extend(acl_manager.del_port_acl(auth_acl, port_num, mac_str)) elif dot1x_port.dot1x_dyn_acl: flowmods.extend(acl_manager.del_authed_mac(port_num, mac_str, strict=False)) else: flowmods.extend(acl_manager.del_authed_mac(port_num, mac_str)) flowmods.extend(valve.del_dot1x_native_vlan(port_num)) return flowmods def _add_unauthenticated_flowmod(self, dot1x_port, valve, mac_str=None): """Return flowmods default on a port""" flowmods = [] acl_manager = valve.acl_manager if dot1x_port.dot1x_acl: _, noauth_acl = self._get_acls(valve.dp) flowmods.extend( acl_manager.add_port_acl(noauth_acl, dot1x_port.number, mac_str) ) return flowmods def _del_unauthenticated_flowmod(self, dot1x_port, valve, mac_str=None): """Return flowmods for deleting default / unauthenticated flows from a port""" flowmods = [] acl_manager = valve.acl_manager if dot1x_port.dot1x_acl: _, noauth_acl = self._get_acls(valve.dp) flowmods.extend( acl_manager.del_port_acl(noauth_acl, dot1x_port.number, mac_str) ) return flowmods