Source code for faucet.vlan

"""VLAN configuration."""

# Copyright (C) 2015 Brad Cowie, Christopher Lorier and Joe Stringer.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2015--2018 The Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import collections
import ipaddress
import random

import netaddr

from faucet import valve_of
from faucet.conf import Conf, test_config_condition, InvalidConfigError
from faucet.valve_util import btos
from faucet.valve_packet import FAUCET_MAC

[docs]class NullVLAN: """Placeholder null VLAN.""" name = 'Null VLAN' vid = valve_of.ofp.OFPVID_NONE
# TODO: not well supported by any hardware, so not used.
[docs]class AnyVLAN: """Placeholder any tagged VLAN.""" name = 'Any VLAN' vid = valve_of.ofp.OFPVID_PRESENT
[docs]class HostCacheEntry: """Association of a host with a port.""" def __init__(self, eth_src, port, cache_time): self.eth_src = eth_src self.port = port self.cache_time = cache_time self.eth_src_int = int(eth_src.replace(':', ''), 16) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.eth_src_int, self.port.number)) def __str__(self): return '%s on %s' % (self.eth_src, self.port) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __lt__(self, other): return self.__hash__() < other.__hash__()
[docs]class VLAN(Conf): """Contains state for one VLAN, including its configuration.""" # Note: while vlans are configured once for each datapath, there will be a # separate vlan object created for each datapath that the vlan appears on # TODO: shouldn't be any mutable attrs mutable_attrs = frozenset(['tagged', 'untagged']) name = None dp_id = None tagged = None untagged = None vid = None faucet_vips = None faucet_mac = None bgp_as = None bgp_connect_mode = None bgp_local_address = None bgp_server_addresses = [] # type: list bgp_port = None bgp_routerid = None bgp_neighbor_addresses = [] # type: list bgp_neighbour_addresses = [] # type: list bgp_neighbor_as = None bgp_neighbour_as = None routes = None max_hosts = None unicast_flood = None acl_in = None acls_in = None targeted_gw_resolution = None proactive_arp_limit = None proactive_nd_limit = None # Define dynamic variables with prefix dyn_ to distinguish from variables set # configuration dyn_host_cache = None dyn_host_cache_by_port = None dyn_routes_by_ipv = None dyn_gws_by_ipv = None dyn_neigh_cache_by_ipv = None dyn_learn_ban_count = 0 dyn_last_time_hosts_expired = None dyn_oldest_host_time = None defaults = { 'name': None, 'description': None, 'acl_in': None, 'acls_in': None, 'faucet_vips': None, 'faucet_mac': FAUCET_MAC, # set MAC for FAUCET VIPs on this VLAN 'unicast_flood': True, 'bgp_as': None, 'bgp_connect_mode': 'passive', 'bgp_local_address': None, 'bgp_port': 9179, 'bgp_server_addresses': ['', '::'], 'bgp_routerid': None, 'bgp_neighbour_addresses': [], 'bgp_neighbor_addresses': [], 'bgp_neighbour_as': None, 'bgp_neighbor_as': None, 'routes': None, 'max_hosts': 256, # Limit number of hosts that can be learned on a VLAN. 'vid': None, 'proactive_arp_limit': 0, # Don't proactively ARP for hosts if over this limit (default 2*max_hosts) 'proactive_nd_limit': 0, # Don't proactively ND for hosts if over this limit (default 2*max_hosts) 'targeted_gw_resolution': False, # If True, and a gateway has been resolved, target the first re-resolution attempt to the same port rather than flooding. 'minimum_ip_size_check': True, # If False, don't check that IP packets have a payload (must be False for OVS trace/tutorial to work) } defaults_types = { 'name': str, 'description': str, 'acl_in': (int, str), 'acls_in': list, 'faucet_vips': list, 'faucet_mac': str, 'unicast_flood': bool, 'bgp_as': int, 'bgp_connect_mode': str, 'bgp_local_address': str, 'bgp_port': int, 'bgp_server_addresses': list, 'bgp_routerid': str, 'bgp_neighbour_addresses': list, 'bgp_neighbor_addresses': list, 'bgp_neighbour_as': int, 'bgp_neighbor_as': int, 'routes': list, 'max_hosts': int, 'vid': int, 'proactive_arp_limit': int, 'proactive_nd_limit': int, 'targeted_gw_resolution': bool, 'minimum_ip_size_check': bool, } def __init__(self, _id, dp_id, conf=None): self.tagged = [] self.untagged = [] self.dyn_routes_by_ipv = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.dyn_gws_by_ipv = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.reset_caches() super(VLAN, self).__init__(_id, dp_id, conf)
[docs] def set_defaults(self): super(VLAN, self).set_defaults() self._set_default('vid', self._id) self._set_default('name', str(self._id)) self._set_default('faucet_vips', []) self._set_default('bgp_neighbor_as', self.bgp_neighbour_as) self._set_default( 'bgp_neighbor_addresses', self.bgp_neighbour_addresses)
@staticmethod def _check_ip_str(ip_str, ip_method=ipaddress.ip_address): try: return ip_method(btos(ip_str)) except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError) as err: raise InvalidConfigError('Invalid IP address %s: %s' % (ip_str, err))
[docs] def check_config(self): super(VLAN, self).check_config() test_config_condition(not self.vid_valid(self.vid), 'invalid VID %s' % self.vid) test_config_condition(not netaddr.valid_mac(self.faucet_mac), ( 'invalid MAC address %s' % self.faucet_mac)) test_config_condition(self.acl_in and self.acls_in, 'found both acl_in and acls_in, use only acls_in') if self.acl_in and not isinstance(self.acl_in, list): self.acls_in = [self.acl_in,] self.acl_in = None if self.acls_in: for acl in self.acls_in: test_config_condition(not isinstance(acl, (int, str)), 'acl names must be int or str') if self.max_hosts: if not self.proactive_arp_limit: self.proactive_arp_limit = 2 * self.max_hosts if not self.proactive_nd_limit: self.proactive_nd_limit = 2 * self.max_hosts if self.faucet_vips: self.faucet_vips = frozenset([ self._check_ip_str(ip_str, ip_method=ipaddress.ip_interface) for ip_str in self.faucet_vips]) if self.bgp_neighbor_addresses or self.bgp_neighbour_addresses: neigh_addresses = frozenset(self.bgp_neighbor_addresses + self.bgp_neighbour_addresses) self.bgp_neighbor_addresses = frozenset([ self._check_ip_str(ip_str) for ip_str in neigh_addresses]) if self.bgp_server_addresses: self.bgp_server_addresses = frozenset([ self._check_ip_str(ip_str) for ip_str in self.bgp_server_addresses]) for ipv in self.bgp_ipvs(): test_config_condition( len(self.bgp_server_addresses_by_ipv(ipv)) != 1, 'Only one BGP server address per IP version supported') if self.bgp_as: test_config_condition(not isinstance(self.bgp_port, int), ( 'BGP port must be %s not %s' % (int, type(self.bgp_port)))) test_config_condition(self.bgp_connect_mode not in ('passive'), ( 'BGP connect mode %s must be passive' % self.bgp_connect_mode)) test_config_condition(not ipaddress.IPv4Address(btos(self.bgp_routerid)), ( '%s is not a valid IPv4 address' % (self.bgp_routerid))) test_config_condition(not self.bgp_neighbor_as, 'No BGP neighbor AS') test_config_condition(not self.bgp_neighbor_addresses, 'No BGP neighbor addresses') test_config_condition(len(self.bgp_neighbor_addresses) != len(self.bgp_neighbor_addresses), ( 'Must be as many BGP neighbor addresses as BGP server addresses')) if self.routes: test_config_condition(not isinstance(self.routes, list), 'invalid VLAN routes format') try: self.routes = [route['route'] for route in self.routes] except TypeError: raise InvalidConfigError('%s is not a valid routes value' % self.routes) except KeyError: pass for route in self.routes: test_config_condition(not isinstance(route, dict), 'invalid VLAN route format') test_config_condition('ip_gw' not in route, 'missing ip_gw in VLAN route') test_config_condition('ip_dst' not in route, 'missing ip_dst in VLAN route') ip_gw = self._check_ip_str(route['ip_gw']) ip_dst = self._check_ip_str(route['ip_dst'], ip_method=ipaddress.ip_network) test_config_condition( ip_gw.version != ip_dst.version, 'ip_gw version does not match the ip_dst version') self.add_route(ip_dst, ip_gw)
[docs] @staticmethod def vid_valid(vid): """Return True if VID valid.""" if isinstance(vid, int) and vid >= valve_of.MIN_VID and vid <= valve_of.MAX_VID: return True return False
[docs] def reset_caches(self): """Reset dynamic caches.""" self.dyn_host_cache = {} self.dyn_host_cache_by_port = {} self.dyn_neigh_cache_by_ipv = collections.defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def reset_ports(self, ports): self.tagged = tuple([port for port in ports if self in port.tagged_vlans]) self.untagged = tuple([port for port in ports if self == port.native_vlan])
[docs] def add_cache_host(self, eth_src, port, cache_time): existing_entry = self.cached_host(eth_src) if existing_entry is not None: self.dyn_host_cache_by_port[existing_entry.port.number].remove( existing_entry) entry = HostCacheEntry(eth_src, port, cache_time) if port.number not in self.dyn_host_cache_by_port: self.dyn_host_cache_by_port[port.number] = set() self.dyn_host_cache_by_port[port.number].add(entry) self.dyn_host_cache[eth_src] = entry
[docs] def expire_cache_host(self, eth_src): """Expire a host from caches.""" entry = self.cached_host(eth_src) if entry is not None: self.dyn_host_cache_by_port[entry.port.number].remove(entry) del self.dyn_host_cache[eth_src]
[docs] def cached_hosts_on_port(self, port): """Return all hosts learned on a port.""" if port.number in self.dyn_host_cache_by_port: return list(self.dyn_host_cache_by_port[port.number]) return []
[docs] def cached_hosts_count_on_port(self, port): """Return count of all hosts learned on a port.""" hosts_count = 0 if port.number in self.dyn_host_cache_by_port: hosts_count = len(self.dyn_host_cache_by_port[port.number]) return hosts_count
[docs] def cached_host(self, eth_src): if eth_src in self.dyn_host_cache: return self.dyn_host_cache[eth_src] return None
[docs] def cached_host_on_port(self, eth_src, port): """Return host cache entry if host in cache and on specified port.""" entry = self.cached_host(eth_src) if entry and port == entry.port: return entry return None
[docs] def clear_cache_hosts_on_port(self, port): """Clear all hosts learned on a port.""" for entry in self.cached_hosts_on_port(port): self.expire_cache_host(entry.eth_src)
[docs] def expire_cache_hosts(self, now, learn_timeout): """Expire stale host entries.""" expired_hosts = [] if self.dyn_oldest_host_time is None or now - self.dyn_oldest_host_time > learn_timeout: min_cache_time = now - learn_timeout self.dyn_oldest_host_time = now for entry in list(self.dyn_host_cache.values()): if (not entry.port.permanent_learn and entry.cache_time < min_cache_time): expired_hosts.append(entry) else: self.dyn_oldest_host_time = min(entry.cache_time, self.dyn_oldest_host_time) for entry in expired_hosts: self.expire_cache_host(entry.eth_src) return expired_hosts
@staticmethod def _ipvs(ipas): return frozenset([ipa.version for ipa in ipas]) @staticmethod def _by_ipv(ipas, ipv): return frozenset([ipa for ipa in ipas if ipa.version == ipv])
[docs] def faucet_vips_by_ipv(self, ipv): """Return VIPs with specified IP version on this VLAN.""" return self._by_ipv(self.faucet_vips, ipv)
[docs] def bgp_neighbor_addresses_by_ipv(self, ipv): """Return BGP neighbor addresses with specified IP version on this VLAN.""" return self._by_ipv(self.bgp_neighbor_addresses, ipv)
[docs] def bgp_server_addresses_by_ipv(self, ipv): """Return BGP server addresses with specified IP version on this VLAN.""" return self._by_ipv(self.bgp_server_addresses, ipv)
[docs] def ipvs(self): """Return IP versions configured on this VLAN.""" return self._ipvs(self.faucet_vips)
[docs] def bgp_ipvs(self): """Return list of IP versions for BGP configured on this VLAN.""" return self._ipvs(self.bgp_server_addresses)
[docs] def routes_by_ipv(self, ipv): """Return route table for specified IP version on this VLAN.""" return self.dyn_routes_by_ipv[ipv]
[docs] def route_count_by_ipv(self, ipv): """Return route table count for specified IP version on this VLAN.""" return len(self.dyn_routes_by_ipv[ipv])
[docs] def add_route(self, ip_dst, ip_gw): """Add an IP route.""" self.dyn_routes_by_ipv[ip_gw.version][ip_dst] = ip_gw if ip_gw not in self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version]: self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version][ip_gw] = set() self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version][ip_gw].add(ip_dst)
[docs] def del_route(self, ip_dst): """Delete an IP route.""" ip_gw = self.dyn_routes_by_ipv[ip_dst.version][ip_dst] del self.dyn_routes_by_ipv[ip_dst.version][ip_dst] self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version][ip_gw].remove(ip_dst) if not self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version][ip_gw]: del self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version][ip_gw]
[docs] def ip_dsts_for_ip_gw(self, ip_gw): """Return list of IP destinations, for specified gateway.""" if ip_gw in self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version]: return list(self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ip_gw.version][ip_gw]) return []
[docs] def all_ip_gws(self, ipv): """Return list of all IP gateways for specified IP version.""" return list(self.dyn_gws_by_ipv[ipv].keys())
[docs] def neigh_cache_by_ipv(self, ipv): """Return neighbor cache for specified IP version on this VLAN.""" return self.dyn_neigh_cache_by_ipv[ipv]
[docs] def neigh_cache_count_by_ipv(self, ipv): """Return number of hosts in neighbor cache for specified IP version on this VLAN.""" return len(self.neigh_cache_by_ipv(ipv))
[docs] def hosts_count(self): """Return number of hosts learned on this VLAN.""" return len(self.dyn_host_cache)
def __str__(self): port_list = tuple([str(x) for x in self.get_ports()]) ports = ','.join(port_list) return 'VLAN %s vid:%s ports:%s' % (, self.vid, ports) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def get_ports(self): """Return all ports on this VLAN.""" return self.tagged + self.untagged
[docs] def hairpin_ports(self): """Return all ports with hairpin enabled.""" return tuple([port for port in self.get_ports() if port.hairpin])
[docs] def mirrored_ports(self): """Return list of ports that are mirrored on this VLAN.""" return tuple([port for port in self.get_ports() if port.mirror])
[docs] def lags(self): """Return dict of LAGs mapped to member ports.""" lacp_ports = tuple([port for port in self.get_ports() if port.lacp]) lags = collections.defaultdict(list) for port in lacp_ports: lags[port.lacp].append(port) return lags
[docs] @staticmethod def flood_ports(configured_ports, exclude_unicast): if exclude_unicast: return tuple([port for port in configured_ports if port.unicast_flood]) return configured_ports
[docs] def tagged_flood_ports(self, exclude_unicast): return self.flood_ports(self.tagged, exclude_unicast)
[docs] def untagged_flood_ports(self, exclude_unicast): return self.flood_ports(self.untagged, exclude_unicast)
[docs] def output_port(self, port, hairpin=False): actions = port.mirror_actions() if self.port_is_untagged(port): actions.append(valve_of.pop_vlan()) if hairpin: actions.append(valve_of.output_port(valve_of.OFP_IN_PORT)) else: actions.append(valve_of.output_port(port.number)) return actions
[docs] def pkt_out_port(self, packet_builder, port, *args): vid = None if self.port_is_tagged(port): vid = self.vid pkt = packet_builder(vid, *args) return valve_of.packetout(port.number,
[docs] def flood_pkt(self, packet_builder, random_order, *args): ofmsgs = [] for vid, ports in ( (self.vid, self.tagged_flood_ports(False)), (None, self.untagged_flood_ports(False))): if ports: pkt = packet_builder(vid, *args) flood_ofmsgs = [valve_of.packetout(port.number, for port in ports if port.running()] if random_order: random.shuffle(flood_ofmsgs) ofmsgs.extend(flood_ofmsgs) return ofmsgs
[docs] def port_is_tagged(self, port): """Return True if port number is an tagged port on this VLAN.""" return port in self.tagged
[docs] def port_is_untagged(self, port): """Return True if port number is an untagged port on this VLAN.""" return port in self.untagged
[docs] def is_faucet_vip(self, ipa): """Return True if IP is a VIP on this VLAN.""" for faucet_vip in self.faucet_vips_by_ipv(ipa.version): if ipa == faucet_vip.ip: return True return False
[docs] def ip_in_vip_subnet(self, ipa): """Return faucet_vip if IP in same IP network as a VIP on this VLAN.""" for faucet_vip in self.faucet_vips_by_ipv(ipa.version): if ipa in if ipa not in (, return faucet_vip return None
[docs] def from_connected_to_vip(self, src_ip, dst_ip): """Return True if src_ip in connected network and dst_ip is a VIP. Args: src_ip (ipaddress.ip_address): source IP. dst_ip (ipaddress.ip_address): destination IP Returns: True if local traffic for a VIP. """ if self.is_faucet_vip(dst_ip) and self.ip_in_vip_subnet(src_ip): return True return False
[docs] def to_conf(self): result = super(VLAN, self).to_conf() if result is not None: if self.routes: result['routes'] = [{'route': route} for route in self.routes] if self.faucet_vips: result['faucet_vips'] = [str(vip) for vip in self.faucet_vips] if self.bgp_neighbor_addresses: result['bgp_neighbor_addresses'] = [str(vip) for vip in self.bgp_neighbor_addresses] if self.bgp_server_addresses: result['bgp_server_addresses'] = [str(vip) for vip in self.bgp_server_addresses] if 'bgp_neighbor_as' in result: del result['bgp_neighbor_as'] if 'bgp_neighbor_addresses' in result: del result['bgp_neighbor_addresses'] return result