faucet package


faucet.acl module

Configuration for ACLs.

class faucet.acl.ACL(_id, dp_id, conf)[source]

Bases: faucet.conf.Conf

Contains the state for an ACL, including the configuration.

ACL Config

ACLs are configured under the ‘acls’ configuration block. The acls block contains a dictionary of individual acls each keyed by its name.

Each acl contains a list of rules, a packet will have the first matching rule applied to it.

Each rule is a dictionary containing the single key ‘rule’ with the value the matches and actions for the rule.

The matches are key/values based on the ryu RESTFul API. The key ‘actions’ contains a dictionary with keys/values as follows:

  • allow (int): if 1 allow the packet to continue through the Faucet pipeline, if 0 drop the packet.
  • force_port_vlan (int): if 1, do not verify the VLAN/port association for this packet and override any VLAN ACL on the forced VLAN.
  • meter (str): meter to apply to the packet
  • output (dict): used to output a packet directly. details below.
  • cookie (int): set flow cookie to this value on this flow

The output action contains a dictionary with the following elements:

  • port (int or string): the port to output the packet to
  • ports (list): a list of the ports (int or string) to output the packet to
  • set_fields (list): a list of fields to set with values
  • dl_dst (str): old style request to set eth_dst to a value (set_fields recommended)
  • pop_vlans: (int): pop the packet vlan before outputting
  • vlan_vid: (int): push the vlan vid on the packet when outputting
  • vlan_vids: (list): push the list of vlans on the packet when outputting, with option eth_type
  • swap_vid (int): rewrite the vlan vid of the packet when outputting
  • failover (dict): Output with a failover port (experimental)
actions_types = {'allow': <class 'int'>, 'force_port_vlan': <class 'int'>, 'meter': <class 'str'>, 'mirror': (<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>), 'output': <class 'dict'>}
defaults = {'exact_match': False, 'rules': None}
defaults_types = {'exact_match': <class 'bool'>, 'rules': <class 'list'>}
exact_match = None
output_actions_types = {'dl_dst': <class 'str'>, 'failover': <class 'dict'>, 'pop_vlans': <class 'int'>, 'port': (<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>), 'ports': <class 'list'>, 'set_fields': <class 'list'>, 'swap_vid': <class 'int'>, 'vlan_vid': <class 'int'>, 'vlan_vids': <class 'list'>}
rule_types = {'actions': <class 'dict'>, 'cookie': <class 'int'>, 'description': <class 'str'>}
rules = None

Return configuration as a dict.

faucet.check_faucet_config module

Standalone script to check FAUCET configuration, return 0 if provided config OK.

faucet.check_faucet_config.check_config(conf_files, debug_level, check_output_file)[source]

Return True and successful config dict, if all config can be parsed.


faucet.conf module

Base configuration implementation.

class faucet.conf.Conf(_id, dp_id, conf=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for FAUCET configuration.


Check config at instantiation time for errors, typically via assert.

conf_hash(dyn=False, subconf=True, ignore_keys=None)[source]

Return hash of keys configurably filtering attributes.

defaults = {}
defaults_types = {}
dyn_finalized = False
dyn_hash = None

Configuration parsing marked complete.

ignore_subconf(other, ignore_keys=None)[source]

Return True if this config same as other, ignoring sub config.


Merge dynamic state from other conf object.

mutable_attrs = frozenset()

Set default values and run any basic sanity checks.


Return configuration as a dict.


Parse supplied YAML config and sanity check.

exception faucet.conf.InvalidConfigError[source]

Bases: Exception

This error is thrown when the config file is not valid.

faucet.conf.test_config_condition(cond, msg)[source]

Evaluate condition and raise InvalidConfigError if condition not True.

faucet.config_parser module

Implement configuration file parsing.

faucet.config_parser.dp_parser(config_file, logname)[source]

Parse a config file into DP configuration objects with hashes of config include/files.


Return config as dict for all DPs.

faucet.config_parser.watcher_parser(config_file, logname, prom_client)[source]

Return Watcher instances from config.

faucet.config_parser_util module

Utility functions supporting FAUCET/Gauge config parsing.

class faucet.config_parser_util.UniqueKeyLoader(stream)[source]

Bases: yaml.loader.Loader

construct_mapping(node, deep=False)[source]

Check for duplicate YAML keys.

faucet.config_parser_util.config_changed(top_config_file, new_top_config_file, config_hashes)[source]

Return True if configuration has changed.

  • top_config_file (str) – name of FAUCET config file
  • new_top_config_file (str) – name, possibly new, of FAUCET config file.
  • config_hashes (dict) – map of config file/includes and hashes of contents.

True if the file, or any file it includes, has changed.

Return type:



Return hash of YAML config file contents.

faucet.config_parser_util.dp_config_path(config_file, parent_file=None)[source]

Return full path to config file.

faucet.config_parser_util.dp_include(config_hashes, config_file, logname, top_confs)[source]

Handles including additional config files


Return logger instance for config parsing.

faucet.config_parser_util.read_config(config_file, logname)[source]

Return a parsed YAML config file or None.

faucet.dp module

Configuration for a datapath.

class faucet.dp.DP(_id, dp_id, conf)[source]

Bases: faucet.conf.Conf

Stores state related to a datapath controlled by Faucet, including configuration.

acls = None
add_acl(acl_ident, acl)[source]

Add an ACL to this DP.


Add a port to this DP.

add_router(router_ident, router)[source]

Add a router to this DP.

Add a stack link to the stack graph.

advertise_interval = None
arp_neighbor_timeout = None

Return list of VLANs with BGP enabled.


Check config at instantiation time for errors, typically via assert.

combinatorial_port_flood = None
configured = False
cookie = None
defaults = {'advertise_interval': 30, 'arp_neighbor_timeout': 250, 'combinatorial_port_flood': False, 'cookie': 1524372928, 'description': None, 'dot1x': None, 'dp_acls': None, 'dp_id': None, 'drop_broadcast_source_address': True, 'drop_spoofed_faucet_mac': True, 'faucet_dp_mac': '0e:00:00:00:00:01', 'global_vlan': 0, 'group_table': False, 'group_table_routing': False, 'hardware': 'Open vSwitch', 'high_priority': None, 'highest_priority': None, 'ignore_learn_ins': 10, 'interface_ranges': {}, 'interfaces': {}, 'lacp_timeout': 30, 'learn_ban_timeout': 10, 'learn_jitter': 10, 'lldp_beacon': {}, 'low_priority': None, 'lowest_priority': None, 'max_host_fib_retry_count': 10, 'max_hosts_per_resolve_cycle': 5, 'max_resolve_backoff_time': 32, 'metrics_rate_limit_sec': 0, 'name': None, 'ofchannel_log': None, 'packetin_pps': None, 'priority_offset': 0, 'proactive_learn_v4': True, 'proactive_learn_v6': True, 'stack': None, 'table_sizes': {'flood': 100, 'ipv6_fib': 50, 'vlan_acl': 50, 'ipv4_fib': 50, 'vip': 20, 'eth_src': 400, 'eth_dst': 300, 'port_acl': 1100, 'vlan': 100}, 'timeout': 300, 'use_idle_timeout': False}
defaults_types = {'advertise_interval': <class 'int'>, 'arp_neighbor_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'combinatorial_port_flood': <class 'bool'>, 'cookie': <class 'int'>, 'description': <class 'str'>, 'dot1x': <class 'dict'>, 'dp_acls': <class 'list'>, 'dp_id': <class 'int'>, 'drop_bpdu': <class 'bool'>, 'drop_broadcast_source_address': <class 'bool'>, 'drop_lldp': <class 'bool'>, 'drop_spoofed_faucet_mac': <class 'bool'>, 'faucet_dp_mac': <class 'str'>, 'global_vlan': <class 'int'>, 'group_table': <class 'bool'>, 'group_table_routing': <class 'bool'>, 'hardware': <class 'str'>, 'high_priority': <class 'int'>, 'highest_priority': <class 'int'>, 'ignore_learn_ins': <class 'int'>, 'interface_ranges': <class 'dict'>, 'interfaces': <class 'dict'>, 'learn_ban_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'learn_jitter': <class 'int'>, 'lldp_beacon': <class 'dict'>, 'low_priority': <class 'int'>, 'lowest_priority': <class 'int'>, 'max_host_fib_retry_count': <class 'int'>, 'max_hosts_per_resolve_cycle': <class 'int'>, 'max_resolve_backoff_time': <class 'int'>, 'metrics_rate_limit_sec': <class 'int'>, 'name': <class 'str'>, 'ofchannel_log': <class 'str'>, 'packetin_pps': <class 'int'>, 'priority_offset': <class 'int'>, 'proactive_learn_v4': <class 'bool'>, 'proactive_learn_v6': <class 'bool'>, 'stack': <class 'dict'>, 'table_sizes': <class 'dict'>, 'timeout': <class 'int'>, 'use_idle_timeout': <class 'bool'>}
dot1x = None
dot1x_defaults_types = {'nfv_intf': <class 'str'>}

Return list of ports with 802.1x enabled.

dp_acls = None
dp_id = None
drop_broadcast_source_address = None
drop_spoofed_faucet_mac = None
dyn_last_coldstart_time = None
dyn_running = False
dyn_up_ports = set()
faucet_dp_mac = None

Perform consistency checks after initial config parsing.

get_config_changes(logger, new_dp)[source]

Detect any config changes.

  • logger (ValveLogger) – logger instance
  • new_dp (DP) – new dataplane configuration.

changes tuple containing:

deleted_ports (set): deleted port numbers. changed_ports (set): changed/added port numbers. changed_acl_ports (set): changed ACL only port numbers. deleted_vlans (set): deleted VLAN IDs. changed_vlans (set): changed/added VLAN IDs. all_ports_changed (bool): True if all ports changed.

Return type:



Return DP config as a dict for API call.


Return native VLAN for a port by number, or None.


Return tables as dict for API call.

global_vlan = None
group_table = False
group_table_routing = False
groups = None
hardware = None
high_priority = None
ignore_learn_ins = None

Return list of tables that specify in_port as a match.

interface_ranges = None
interfaces = None

Return True if this DP is a stack edge.

lacp_timeout = None
learn_ban_timeout = None
learn_jitter = None
lldp_beacon = {}
lldp_beacon_defaults_types = {'max_per_interval': <class 'int'>, 'send_interval': <class 'int'>, 'system_name': <class 'str'>}

Return list of ports to send LLDP packets; stacked ports always send LLDP.

low_priority = None

Return list of tables with matches of a specific match type.

max_host_fib_retry_count = None
max_hosts_per_resolve_cycle = None
max_resolve_backoff_time = None
meters = {}
metrics_rate_limit_sec = None
static modify_stack_topology(graph, dp, port, add=True)[source]

Add/remove an edge to the stack graph which originates from this dp and port.

mutable_attrs = frozenset({'vlans', 'stack'})
name = None
output_only_ports = None
packetin_pps = None

Return list of stack ports that are up towards a peer.

ports = None
priority_offset = None
proactive_learn_v4 = None
proactive_learn_v6 = None

Remove a stack link to the stack graph.


Resolve a port by number or name.


Resolve inter-DP config for stacking.

routers = None

Set default values and run any basic sanity checks.

shortest_path(dest_dp, src_dp=None)[source]

Return shortest path to a DP, as a list of DPs.


Return first port on our DP, that is the shortest path towards dest DP.


Return shortest path to root DP, as list of DPs.

stack = None
stack_defaults_types = {'priority': <class 'int'>}
stack_ports = None
table_sizes = {}
table_sizes_types = {'eth_dst': <class 'int'>, 'eth_src': <class 'int'>, 'flood': <class 'int'>, 'ipv4_fib': <class 'int'>, 'ipv6_fib': <class 'int'>, 'port_acl': <class 'int'>, 'vip': <class 'int'>, 'vlan': <class 'int'>, 'vlan_acl': <class 'int'>}
tables = {}
timeout = None

Return DP config as dict.

use_idle_timeout = None
vlans = None
wildcard_table = <faucet.valve_table.ValveTable object>
class faucet.dp.NullRyuDatapath[source]

Bases: object

Placeholder Ryu Datapath.

ofproto = <module 'ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3' from '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/faucet/envs/1.8.13/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ryu/ofproto/ofproto_v1_3.py'>

faucet.faucet module

RyuApp shim between Ryu and Valve.

class faucet.faucet.EventFaucetAdvertise[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event used to trigger periodic network advertisements (eg IPv6 RAs).

class faucet.faucet.EventFaucetExperimentalAPIRegistered[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event used to notify that the API is registered with Faucet.

class faucet.faucet.EventFaucetLLDPAdvertise[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event used to trigger periodic LLDP beacons.

class faucet.faucet.EventFaucetMetricUpdate[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event used to trigger update of metrics.

class faucet.faucet.EventFaucetResolveGateways[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event used to trigger gateway re/resolution.

class faucet.faucet.EventFaucetStackLinkStates[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event used to update link stack states.

class faucet.faucet.EventFaucetStateExpire[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event used to trigger expiration of state in controller.

class faucet.faucet.Faucet(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve_ryuapp.RyuAppBase

A RyuApp that implements an L2/L3 learning VLAN switch.

Valve provides the switch implementation; this is a shim for the Ryu event handling framework to interface with Valve.

bgp = None

Handle OFPDescStatsReply from datapath.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPDescStatsReply) – trigger.

Handle an OFPError from a datapath.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPErrorMsg) – trigger
exc_logname = 'faucet.exception'

Handle receiving a switch features message from a datapath.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPStateChange) – trigger.

Handle a flow removed event.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPFlowRemoved) – trigger.

FAUCET experimental API: return config for all Valves.


FAUCET experimental API: return config tables for one Valve.

logname = 'faucet'

Handle a request to update metrics in the controller.

metrics = None
notifier = None

Handle a packet in event from the dataplane.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.event.EventReplyBase) – packet in message.

Handle a port status change event.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus) – trigger.

Handle a request to reload configuration.


Start controller.

valves_manager = None

faucet.faucet_bgp module

BGP implementation for FAUCET.

class faucet.faucet_bgp.BgpSpeakerKey(dp_id, vlan_vid, ipv)[source]

Bases: object

Uniquely describe a BGP speaker.

class faucet.faucet_bgp.FaucetBgp(logger, metrics, send_flow_msgs)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper for Ryu BGP speaker.


Set up a BGP speaker for every VLAN that requires it.


Shutdown any active BGP speakers.


Update BGP metrics.

faucet.faucet_dot1x module

802.1x implementation for FAUCET.

class faucet.faucet_dot1x.FaucetDot1x(logger, metrics, send_flow_msgs)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper for experimental Chewie 802.1x authenticator.

CREDENTIALS = {'gary': 'microphone'}
auth_handler(address, _group_address)[source]

Callback for when a successful auth happens.


Set up a dot1x speaker.

faucet.faucet_experimental_api module

Implement experimental API.

class faucet.faucet_experimental_api.FaucetExperimentalAPI(*_args, **_kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

An experimental API for communicating with Faucet.

Contains methods for interacting with a running Faucet controller from within a RyuApp. This app should be run together with Faucet in the same ryu-manager process.

add_port_acl(port, acl)[source]

Add an ACL to a port.

add_vlan_acl(vlan, acl)[source]

Add an ACL to a VLAN.

delete_port_acl(port, acl)[source]

Delete an ACL from a port.

delete_vlan_acl(vlan, acl)[source]

Delete an ACL from a VLAN.


Get the current running config of Faucet as a python dictionary.


Get current FAUCET tables as a dict of table name: table no.


Return True if registered and ready to serve API requests.


Push supplied config to FAUCET.


Reload config from config file in FAUCET_CONFIG env variable.

faucet.faucet_experimental_event module

Experimental FAUCET event notification.

class faucet.faucet_experimental_event.FaucetExperimentalEventNotifier(socket_path, metrics, logger)[source]

Bases: object

Event notification, via Unix domain socket.


Check that socket_path is valid.

notify(dp_id, dp_name, event_dict)[source]

Notify of an event.


Start socket server.

class faucet.faucet_experimental_event.NonBlockLock[source]

Bases: object

Non blocking lock that can be used as a context manager.


Attempt to acquire a lock.


Release lock when done.

faucet.faucet_metrics module

Implement Prometheus statistics.

class faucet.faucet_metrics.FaucetMetrics(reg=None)[source]

Bases: faucet.prom_client.PromClient

Container class for objects that can be exported to Prometheus.


Set all DPID-only counter/gauges to 0.

faucet.faucet_pipeline module

Standard FAUCET pipeline.

class faucet.faucet_pipeline.ValveTableConfig(name, exact_match=None, meter=None, output=True, miss_goto=None, size=None, match_types=None, set_fields=None)[source]

Bases: object

Configuration for a single table.

faucet.fctl module

Report state based on FAUCET/Gauge/Prometheus variables.

faucet.fctl.decode_value(metric_name, value)[source]

Convert values to human readible format based on metric name


Parse and return CLI args.

faucet.fctl.report_label_match_metrics(report_metrics, metrics, display_labels=None, nonzero_only=False, delim='\t', label_matches=None)[source]

Text report on a list of Prometheus metrics.

faucet.fctl.scrape_prometheus(endpoints, retries=3, err_output_file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]

Scrape a list of Prometheus/FAUCET/Gauge endpoints and aggregate results.

faucet.gauge module

RyuApp shim between Ryu and Gauge.

class faucet.gauge.Gauge(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve_ryuapp.RyuAppBase

Ryu app for polling Faucet controlled datapaths for stats/state.

It can poll multiple datapaths. The configuration files for each datapath should be listed, one per line, in the file set as the environment variable GAUGE_CONFIG. It logs to the file set as the environment variable GAUGE_LOG,

exc_logname = 'gauge.exception'
logname = 'gauge'
prom_client = None

Handle request for Gauge config reload.


Handle port status change event.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.event.EventReplyBase) – port status change event.

faucet.gauge_influx module

Library for interacting with InfluxDB.

class faucet.gauge_influx.GaugeFlowTableInfluxDBLogger(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugeFlowTablePoller, faucet.gauge_influx.InfluxShipper


> use faucet
Using database faucet
> show series where table_id = '0' and in_port = '2'
> select * from flow_byte_count where table_id = '0' and in_port = '2' and ip_proto = '17' and time > now() - 5m
name: flow_byte_count
time                arp_tpa dp_name            eth_dst eth_src eth_type icmpv6_type in_port ip_proto ipv4_dst ipv6_dst priority table_id tcp_dst udp_dst value vlan_vid
----                ------- -------            ------- ------- -------- ----------- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ----- --------
1501154797000000000         windscale-faucet-1                 2048                 2       17                         9099     0                53      9414
1501154857000000000         windscale-faucet-1                 2048                 2       17                         9099     0                53      10554
1501154917000000000         windscale-faucet-1                 2048                 2       17                         9099     0                53      10554
1501154977000000000         windscale-faucet-1                 2048                 2       17                         9099     0                53      12164
1501155037000000000         windscale-faucet-1                 2048                 2       17                         9099     0                53      12239
update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.gauge_influx.GaugePortStateInfluxDBLogger(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatePoller, faucet.gauge_influx.InfluxShipper


> use faucet
Using database faucet
> precision rfc3339
> select * from port_state_reason where port_name = 'port1.0.1' order by time desc limit 10;
name: port_state_reason
time                    dp_name                 port_name       value
2017-02-21T02:12:29Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2017-02-21T02:12:25Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-07-27T22:05:08Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-05-25T04:33:00Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-05-25T04:32:57Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-05-25T04:31:21Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-05-25T04:31:18Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-05-25T04:27:07Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-05-25T04:27:04Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
2016-05-25T04:24:53Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       2
update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.gauge_influx.GaugePortStatsInfluxDBLogger(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatsPoller, faucet.gauge_influx.InfluxShipper

Periodically sends a port stats request to the datapath and parses and outputs the response.


> use faucet
Using database faucet
> show measurements
name: measurements
> precision rfc3339
> select * from packets_out where port_name = 'port1.0.1' order by time desc limit 10;
name: packets_out
time                    dp_name                 port_name       value
2017-03-06T05:21:42Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76083431
2017-03-06T05:21:33Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76081172
2017-03-06T05:21:22Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76078727
2017-03-06T05:21:12Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76076612
2017-03-06T05:21:02Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76074546
2017-03-06T05:20:52Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76072730
2017-03-06T05:20:42Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76070528
2017-03-06T05:20:32Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76068211
2017-03-06T05:20:22Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76065982
2017-03-06T05:20:12Z    windscale-faucet-1      port1.0.1       76063941
update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.gauge_influx.InfluxShipper[source]

Bases: object

Convenience class for shipping values to InfluxDB.

Inheritors must have a WatcherConf object as conf.

conf = None
logger = None
static make_point(tags, rcv_time, stat_name, stat_val)[source]

Make an InfluxDB point.

make_port_point(dp_name, port_name, rcv_time, stat_name, stat_val)[source]

Make an InfluxDB point about a port measurement.

ship_error_prefix = 'error shipping points: '

Make a connection to InfluxDB and ship points.

faucet.gauge_pollers module

Library for polling dataplanes for statistics.

class faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugeFlowTablePoller(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugeThreadPoller

Periodically dumps the current datapath flow table as a yaml object.

Includes a timestamp and a reference ($DATAPATHNAME-flowtables). The flow table is dumped as an OFFlowStatsReply message (in yaml format) that matches all flows.


Called when a polling cycle passes without receiving a response.


Send a stats request to a datapath.

class faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePoller(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: object

Abstraction for a poller for statistics.


Return True if the poller is controlling the requiest loop for its stat


Called when a polling cycle passes without receiving a response.


Report DP status.


Return True if the poller is running.


Send a stats request to a datapath.

start(ryudp, active)[source]

Start the poller.


Stop the poller.

update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatePoller(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePoller

Abstraction for port state poller.


Called when a polling cycle passes without receiving a response.


Send a stats request to a datapath.

class faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatsPoller(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugeThreadPoller

Periodically sends a port stats request to the datapath and parses and outputs the response.


Called when a polling cycle passes without receiving a response.


Send a stats request to a datapath.

class faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugeThreadPoller(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePoller

A ryu thread object for sending and receiving OpenFlow stats requests.

The thread runs in a loop sending a request, sleeping then checking a response was received before sending another request.

The methods send_req, update and no_response should be implemented by subclasses.


Return True if the poller is controlling the requiest loop for its stat


Called when a polling cycle passes without receiving a response.


Send a stats request to a datapath.

start(ryudp, active)[source]

Start the poller.


Stop the poller.

faucet.gauge_prom module

Prometheus for Gauge.

class faucet.gauge_prom.GaugeFlowTablePrometheusPoller(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugeFlowTablePoller

Export flow table entries to Prometheus.

table_tags = {}
update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.gauge_prom.GaugePortStatePrometheusPoller(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatePoller

Export port state changes to Prometheus.

update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.gauge_prom.GaugePortStatsPrometheusPoller(conf, logger, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatsPoller

Exports port stats to Prometheus.

update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.gauge_prom.GaugePrometheusClient(reg=None)[source]

Bases: faucet.prom_client.PromClient

Wrapper for Prometheus client that is shared between all pollers.

metrics = {}
reregister_flow_vars(table_name, table_tags)[source]

faucet.meter module

Configure meters.

class faucet.meter.Meter(_id, dp_id, conf)[source]

Bases: faucet.conf.Conf

Implement FAUCET configuration for an OpenFlow meter.

defaults = {'entry': None, 'meter_id': None}
defaults_types = {'entry': <class 'dict'>, 'meter_id': <class 'int'>}
entry = None
entry_msg = None
meter_id = None

faucet.port module

Port configuration.

class faucet.port.Port(_id, dp_id, conf=None)[source]

Bases: faucet.conf.Conf

Stores state for ports, including the configuration.

acl_in = None
acls_in = None

Check config at instantiation time for errors, typically via assert.

defaults = {'acl_in': None, 'acls_in': None, 'description': None, 'dot1x': False, 'enabled': True, 'hairpin': False, 'lacp': 0, 'lldp_beacon': {}, 'loop_protect': False, 'max_hosts': 255, 'max_lldp_lost': 3, 'mirror': None, 'name': None, 'native_vlan': None, 'number': None, 'opstatus_reconf': True, 'output_only': False, 'override_output_port': None, 'permanent_learn': False, 'receive_lldp': False, 'stack': None, 'tagged_vlans': None, 'unicast_flood': True}
defaults_types = {'acl_in': (<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>), 'acls_in': <class 'list'>, 'description': <class 'str'>, 'dot1x': <class 'bool'>, 'enabled': <class 'bool'>, 'hairpin': <class 'bool'>, 'lacp': <class 'int'>, 'lldp_beacon': <class 'dict'>, 'loop_protect': <class 'bool'>, 'max_hosts': <class 'int'>, 'mirror': (<class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'int'>), 'name': <class 'str'>, 'native_vlan': (<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>), 'number': <class 'int'>, 'opstatus_reconf': <class 'bool'>, 'output_only': <class 'bool'>, 'override_output_port': (<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>), 'permanent_learn': <class 'bool'>, 'receive_lldp': <class 'bool'>, 'stack': <class 'dict'>, 'tagged_vlans': <class 'list'>, 'unicast_flood': <class 'bool'>}
description = None
dp_id = None
dyn_lacp_up = None
dyn_lacp_updated_time = None
dyn_last_ban_time = None
dyn_last_lacp_pkt = None
dyn_last_lldp_beacon_time = None
dyn_learn_ban_count = 0
dyn_phys_up = False
dyn_stack_current_state = 2
dyn_stack_probe_info = None
enabled = None

Configuration parsing marked complete.

hairpin = None

Return all host cache entries this port has learned (on all or specified VLANs).


Return count of all hosts this port has learned (on all or specified VLANs).


Return True if port is in ADMIN_DOWN state.


Return True if port is in DOWN state.


Return True if port is in INIT state.


Return True if port is in UP state.

lldp_beacon = {}
lldp_beacon_defaults_types = {'enable': <class 'bool'>, 'org_tlvs': <class 'list'>, 'port_descr': <class 'str'>, 'system_name': <class 'str'>}

Return True if LLDP beacon enabled on this port.

lldp_org_tlv_defaults_types = {'info': (<class 'str'>, <class 'bytearray'>), 'oui': (<class 'int'>, <class 'bytearray'>), 'subtype': (<class 'int'>, <class 'bytearray'>)}
loop_protect = None
max_hosts = None
max_lldp_lost = None
mirror = None

Return OF actions to mirror this port.

name = None
native_vlan = None
number = None
op_status_reconf = None
output_only = None
override_output_port = None
permanent_learn = None
receive_lldp = None

Return True if port enabled and up.


Set default values and run any basic sanity checks.

stack = {}

Change the current stack state to ADMIN_DOWN.

stack_defaults_types = {'dp': <class 'str'>, 'port': (<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>)}

Change the current stack state to DOWN.


Change the current stack state to INIT_DOWN.


Change the current stack state to UP.

tagged_vlans = []

Return configuration as a dict.

unicast_flood = None

Return all VLANs this port is in.

faucet.prom_client module

Implement Prometheus client.

class faucet.prom_client.PromClient(reg=None)[source]

Bases: object

Prometheus client.

REQUIRED_LABELS = ['dp_id', 'dp_name']
server = None
start(prom_port, prom_addr, use_test_thread=False)[source]

Start webserver.

thread = None

Create a WSGI app which serves the metrics from a registry.

faucet.router module

Configure routing between VLANs.

class faucet.router.Router(_id, dp_id, conf=None)[source]

Bases: faucet.conf.Conf

Implement FAUCET configuration for a router.


Check config at instantiation time for errors, typically via assert.

defaults = {'vlans': None}
defaults_types = {'vlans': <class 'list'>}
vlans = None

faucet.tfm_pipeline module

Parse JSON for TFM based table config.

class faucet.tfm_pipeline.LoadRyuTables[source]

Bases: object

Serialize table features messages from JSON.

static load_tables(dp)[source]

faucet.valve module

Implementation of Valve learning layer 2/3 switch.

class faucet.valve.AlliedTelesis(dp, logname, metrics, notifier)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve.OVSValve

Valve implementation for AT.

DEC_TTL = False
class faucet.valve.ArubaValve(dp, logname, metrics, notifier)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve.TfmValve

Valve implementation for Aruba.

DEC_TTL = False
class faucet.valve.CiscoC9KValve(dp, logname, metrics, notifier)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve.TfmValve

Valve implementation for C9K.

class faucet.valve.NoviFlowValve(dp, logname, metrics, notifier)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve.OVSValve

Valve implementation for NoviFlow with static pipeline.

class faucet.valve.OVSValve(dp, logname, metrics, notifier)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve.Valve

Valve implementation for OVS.

class faucet.valve.TfmValve(dp, logname, metrics, notifier)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve.Valve

Valve implementation that uses OpenFlow send table features messages.

class faucet.valve.Valve(dp, logname, metrics, notifier)[source]

Bases: object

Generates the messages to configure a datapath as a l2 learning switch.

Vendor specific implementations may require sending configuration flows. This can be achieved by inheriting from this class and overwriting the function switch_features.

DEC_TTL = True
add_authed_mac(port_num, mac)[source]

Add authed mac address

add_route(vlan, ip_gw, ip_dst)[source]

Add route to VLAN routing table.

advertise(now, _other_values)[source]

Called periodically to advertise services (eg. IPv6 RAs).

base_prom_labels = None

Explicitly close any active loggers.

datapath_connect(now, discovered_up_ports)[source]

Handle Ryu datapath connection event and provision pipeline.

  • now (float) – current epoch time.
  • discovered_up_ports (list) – datapath port numbers that are up.

OpenFlow messages to send to datapath.

Return type:



Handle Ryu datapath disconnection event.

del_route(vlan, ip_dst)[source]

Delete route from VLAN routing table.


Initialize datapath state at connection/re/config time.

flood_manager = None
flow_timeout(now, table_id, match)[source]

Call flow timeout message handler:

  • now (float) – current epoch time.
  • table_id (int) – ID of table where flow was installed.
  • match (dict) – match conditions for expired flow.

OpenFlow messages, if any.

Return type:



Return datapath config as a dict for experimental API.

host_manager = None

Return OpenFlow messages when LACP is down on a port.

lacp_handler(now, pkt_meta)[source]

Handle a LACP packet.

We are a currently a passive, non-aggregateable LACP partner.

  • now (float) – current epoch time.
  • pkt_meta (PacketMeta) – packet for control plane.

OpenFlow messages, if any.

Return type:



Return OpenFlow messages when LACP is up on a port.

lldp_handler(now, pkt_meta, other_valves)[source]

Handle an LLDP packet.

Parameters:pkt_meta (PacketMeta) – packet for control plane.
logger = None

Log OpenFlow messages in text format to debugging log.

ofchannel_logger = None

Handle OF DP description.


Correlate OFError message with flow we sent, if any.

Parameters:msg (ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPMsgBase) – message from datapath.

Parse OF packet-in message to PacketMeta.

parse_rcv_packet(in_port, vlan_vid, eth_type, data, orig_len, pkt, eth_pkt)[source]

Parse a received packet into a PacketMeta instance.

  • in_port (int) – port packet was received on.
  • vlan_vid (int) – VLAN VID of port packet was received on.
  • eth_type (int) – Ethernet type of packet.
  • data (bytes) – Raw packet data.
  • orig_len (int) – Original length of packet.
  • pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet) – parsed packet received.
  • ekt_pkt (ryu.lib.packet.ethernet) – parsed Ethernet header.

PacketMeta instance.


Handle addition of a single port.

Parameters:port_num (list) – list of port numbers.
Returns:OpenFlow messages, if any.
Return type:list

Return flow messages that delete port from pipeline.


Return True if supplied port number valid on this datapath.

port_status_handler(port_no, reason, state)[source]

Return OpenFlow messages responding to port operational status change.

ports_add(port_nums, cold_start=False, log_msg='up')[source]

Handle the addition of ports.

  • port_num (list) – list of port numbers.
  • cold_start (bool) – True if configuring datapath from scratch.

OpenFlow messages, if any.

Return type:


ports_delete(port_nums, log_msg='down')[source]

Handle the deletion of ports.

Parameters:port_nums (list) – list of port numbers.
Returns:OpenFlow messages, if any.
Return type:list

Prepare to send flows to datapath.

Parameters:flow_msgs (list) – OpenFlow messages to send.

Return True if too many packet ins this second.

rcv_packet(now, other_valves, pkt_meta)[source]

Handle a packet from the dataplane (eg to re/learn a host).

The packet may be sent to us also in response to FAUCET initiating IPv6 neighbor discovery, or ARP, to resolve a nexthop.

  • other_valves (list) – all Valves other than this one.
  • pkt_meta (PacketMeta) – packet for control plane.

OpenFlow messages, if any.

Return type:


recent_ofmsgs = deque([], maxlen=32)
reload_config(now, new_dp)[source]

Reload configuration new_dp.

Following config changes are currently supported:
  • Port config: support all available configs
    (e.g. native_vlan, acl_in) & change operations (add, delete, modify) a port
  • ACL config:support any modification, currently reload all
    rules belonging to an ACL
  • VLAN config: enable, disable routing, etc…
  • now (float) – current epoch time.
  • new_dp (DP) – new dataplane configuration.

OpenFlow messages.

Return type:

ofmsgs (list)

resolve_gateways(now, _other_valves)[source]

Call route managers to re/resolve gateways.

Returns:OpenFlow messages, if any.
Return type:list
send_flows(ryu_dp, flow_msgs)[source]

Send flows to datapath.

  • ryu_dp (ryu.controller.controller.Datapath) – datapath.
  • flow_msgs (list) – OpenFlow messages to send.
send_lldp_beacons(now, _other_valves)[source]

Called periodically to send LLDP beacon packets.

state_expire(now, _other_valves)[source]

Expire controller caches/state (e.g. hosts learned).

Expire state from the host manager only; the switch does its own flow expiry.

Returns:OpenFlow messages, if any.
Return type:list

Send configuration flows necessary for the switch implementation.

Parameters:msg (OFPSwitchFeatures) – msg sent from switch.

Vendor specific configuration should be implemented here.


Update gauge/metrics for configuration.

update_metrics(now, updated_port=None, rate_limited=False)[source]

Update Gauge/metrics.

Called periodically to verify the state of stack ports.

class faucet.valve.ValveLogger(logger, dp_id, dp_name)[source]

Bases: object

Logger for a Valve that adds DP ID.


Log debug level message.


Log error level message.


Log info level message.


Log warning level message.


Return a Valve object based dp’s hardware configuration field.

Parameters:dp (DP) – DP instance with the configuration for this Valve.

faucet.valve_acl module

Compose ACLs on ports.

faucet.valve_acl.build_acl_entry(rule_conf, meters, acl_allow_inst, acl_force_port_vlan_inst, port_num=None, vlan_vid=None)[source]
faucet.valve_acl.build_acl_ofmsgs(acls, acl_table, acl_allow_inst, acl_force_port_vlan_inst, highest_priority, meters, exact_match, port_num=None, vlan_vid=None)[source]

Implement actions to alter packet/output.


Push a VLAN tag with optional selection of eth type.


Implement actions to rewrite VLAN headers.

faucet.valve_flood module

Manage flooding to ports on VLANs.

class faucet.valve_flood.ValveFloodManager(flood_table, eth_src_table, flood_priority, bypass_priority, use_group_table, groups, combinatorial_port_flood)[source]

Bases: object

Implement dataplane based flooding for standalone dataplanes.

FLOOD_DSTS = ((True, None, None), (False, '01:80:c2:00:00:00', 'ff:ff:ff:00:00:00'), (False, '01:00:5E:00:00:00', 'ff:ff:ff:00:00:00'), (False, '33:33:00:00:00:00', 'ff:ff:00:00:00:00'), (False, 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', None))
build_flood_rules(vlan, modify=False)[source]

Add flows to flood packets to unknown destinations on a VLAN.

static edge_learn_port(_other_valves, pkt_meta)[source]

Possibly learn a host on a port.

  • other_valves (list) – All Valves other than this one.
  • pkt_meta (PacketMeta) – PacketMeta instance for packet received.

port to learn host on.

update_stack_topo(event, dp, port=None)[source]

Update the stack topology. It has nothing to do for non-stacking DPs.

class faucet.valve_flood.ValveFloodStackManager(flood_table, eth_src_table, flood_priority, bypass_priority, use_group_table, groups, combinatorial_port_flood, stack, stack_ports, dp_shortest_path_to_root, shortest_path_port)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve_flood.ValveFloodManager

Implement dataplane based flooding for stacked dataplanes.

build_flood_rules(vlan, modify=False)[source]

Add flows to flood packets to unknown destinations on a VLAN.

edge_learn_port(other_valves, pkt_meta)[source]

Possibly learn a host on a port.

  • other_valves (list) – All Valves other than this one.
  • pkt_meta (PacketMeta) – PacketMeta instance for packet received.

port to learn host on, or None.

update_stack_topo(event, dp, port=None)[source]

Update the stack topo according to the event.

faucet.valve_host module

Manage host learning on VLANs.

class faucet.valve_host.ValveHostFlowRemovedManager(logger, ports, vlans, eth_src_table, eth_dst_table, learn_timeout, learn_jitter, learn_ban_timeout, low_priority, host_priority)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve_host.ValveHostManager

Trigger relearning on flow removed notifications.


not currently reliable.

expire_hosts_from_vlan(_vlan, _now)[source]

Expire hosts from VLAN cache.

flow_timeout(now, table_id, match)[source]

Handle a flow timed out message from dataplane.


Calculate flow timeouts for learning on a port.

class faucet.valve_host.ValveHostManager(logger, ports, vlans, eth_src_table, eth_dst_table, learn_timeout, learn_jitter, learn_ban_timeout, low_priority, host_priority)[source]

Bases: object

Manage host learning on VLANs.


Limit learning to a maximum configured on this port/VLAN.

Parameters:pkt_meta – PacketMeta instance.
Returns:OpenFlow messages, if any.
Return type:list
delete_host_from_vlan(eth_src, vlan)[source]

Delete a host from a VLAN.

expire_hosts_from_vlan(vlan, now)[source]

Expire hosts from VLAN cache.

flow_timeout(_now, _table_id, _match)[source]

Handle a flow timed out message from dataplane.

learn_host_on_vlan_port_flows(port, vlan, eth_src, delete_existing, src_rule_idle_timeout, src_rule_hard_timeout, dst_rule_idle_timeout)[source]

Return flows that implement learning a host on a port.

learn_host_on_vlan_ports(now, port, vlan, eth_src, delete_existing=True, last_dp_coldstart_time=None)[source]

Learn a host on a port.


Calculate flow timeouts for learning on a port.

faucet.valve_of module

Utility functions to parse/create OpenFlow messages.


Return instruction that applies action list.

Parameters:actions (list) – list of OpenFlow actions.
Returns:instruction of actions.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPInstruction

Return instruction to apply a meter.


Return OpenFlow barrier request.

Returns:barrier request.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPBarrierRequest
faucet.valve_of.bucket(weight=0, watch_port=4294967295, watch_group=4294967295, actions=None)[source]

Return a group action bucket with provided actions.

faucet.valve_of.build_match_dict(in_port=None, vlan=None, eth_type=None, eth_src=None, eth_dst=None, eth_dst_mask=None, icmpv6_type=None, nw_proto=None, nw_dst=None)[source]
faucet.valve_of.controller_pps_meteradd(datapath=None, pps=0)[source]

Add a PPS meter towards controller.


Delete a PPS meter towards controller.


Return OpenFlow action to decrement IP TTL.

Returns:decrement IP TTL.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionDecNwTtl

Return deduplicated ofmsg list.


Deduplicate parser.OFPActionOutputs (because Ryu doesn’t define __eq__).

Parameters:of ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput (list) – output to port actions.
Returns:output to port actions.
Return type:list of ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput

Query switch description.


Return VLAN VID without VID_PRESENT flag set.

Parameters:vid (int) – VLAN VID with VID_PRESENT.
Returns:VLAN VID.
Return type:int
faucet.valve_of.faucet_async(datapath=None, notify_flow_removed=False, packet_in=True, port_status=True)[source]

Return async message config for FAUCET/Gauge


Return switch config for FAUCET.

faucet.valve_of.flood_tagged_port_outputs(ports, in_port=None, exclude_ports=None)[source]

Return list of actions necessary to flood to list of tagged ports.

faucet.valve_of.flood_untagged_port_outputs(ports, in_port=None, exclude_ports=None)[source]

Return list of actions necessary to flood to list of untagged ports.

faucet.valve_of.flowmod(cookie, command, table_id, priority, out_port, out_group, match_fields, inst, hard_timeout, idle_timeout, flags=0)[source]

Return instruction to goto table.

Parameters:table (ValveTable) – table to goto.
Returns:goto instruction.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPInstruction

Return an action to run a group.

faucet.valve_of.group_flood_buckets(ports, untagged)[source]
faucet.valve_of.groupadd(datapath=None, type_=0, group_id=0, buckets=None)[source]

Add a group.

faucet.valve_of.groupadd_ff(datapath=None, group_id=0, buckets=None)[source]

Add a fast failover group.

faucet.valve_of.groupdel(datapath=None, group_id=4294967292)[source]

Delete a group (default all groups).

faucet.valve_of.groupmod(datapath=None, type_=0, group_id=0, buckets=None)[source]

Modify a group.

faucet.valve_of.groupmod_ff(datapath=None, group_id=0, buckets=None)[source]

Modify a fast failover group.


Return True if FAUCET should ignore this port.

Parameters:port_num (int) – switch port.
Returns:True if FAUCET should ignore this port.
Return type:bool

Return True if an apply action.

Parameters:instruction – OpenFlow instruction.
Returns:True if an apply action.
Return type:bool

Return True if flow message is a FlowMod and a delete.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a FlowMod delete/strict.
Return type:bool

Return True if flow message is a FlowMod.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a FlowMod
Return type:bool

Return True if OF message is a GroupMod and command is add.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a GroupMod add
Return type:bool

Return True if OF message is a GroupMod and command is delete.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a GroupMod delete
Return type:bool

Return True if OF message is a GroupMod.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a GroupMod
Return type:bool

Return True if a meter.

Parameters:instruction – OpenFlow instruction.
Returns:True if a meter.
Return type:bool

Return True if OF message is a MeterMod and command is add.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a MeterMod add
Return type:bool

Return True if OF message is a MeterMod and command is delete.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a MeterMod delete
Return type:bool

Return True if OF message is a MeterMod.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a MeterMod
Return type:bool

Return True if flow message is a TFM req.

Parameters:ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
Returns:True if is a TFM req.
Return type:bool

Return OpenFlow matches from dict.

Parameters:match_fields (dict) – match fields and values.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPMatch

Add a meter based on YAML configuration.

faucet.valve_of.meterdel(datapath=None, meter_id=4294967295)[source]

Delete a meter (default all meters).


Return OpenFlow action to packet in to the controller.

Parameters:max_len (int) – max number of bytes from packet to output.
Returns:packet in action.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput

Return OpenFlow action to output out input port.

faucet.valve_of.output_port(port_num, max_len=0)[source]

Return OpenFlow action to output to a port.

  • port_num (int) – port to output to.
  • max_len (int) – maximum length of packet to output (default no maximum).

output to port action.

Return type:


faucet.valve_of.packetout(port_num, data)[source]

Return OpenFlow action to packet out to dataplane from controller.

  • port_num (int) – port to output to.
  • data (str) – raw packet to output.

packet out action.

Return type:



Return OpenFlow action to pop outermost Ethernet 802.1Q VLAN header.

Returns:Pop VLAN.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionPopVlan

Return True if OFPPS_LINK_DOWN is not set.

faucet.valve_of.push_vlan_act(vlan_vid, eth_type=33024)[source]

Return OpenFlow action list to push Ethernet 802.1Q header with VLAN VID.

Parameters:vid (int) – VLAN VID
Returns:actions to push 802.1Q header with VLAN VID set.
Return type:list

Return action to set destination Ethernet MAC address.

Parameters:eth_src (str) – destination Ethernet MAC address.
Returns:set field action.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionSetField

Return action to set source Ethernet MAC address.

Parameters:eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
Returns:set field action.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionSetField

Return action to set any field.

Parameters:kwds (dict) – exactly one field to set
Returns:set field action.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionSetField

Set VLAN VID with VID_PRESENT flag set.

Parameters:vid (int) – VLAN VID
Returns:set VID with VID_PRESENT.
Return type:ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionSetField
faucet.valve_of.valve_flowreorder(input_ofmsgs, use_barriers=True)[source]

Reorder flows for better OFA performance.


Return VLAN VID with VID_PRESENT flag set.

Parameters:vid (int) – VLAN VID
Return type:int

faucet.valve_of_old module

Deprecated OF matches.

faucet.valve_packet module

Utility functions for parsing and building Ethernet packet/contents.

class faucet.valve_packet.PacketMeta(data, orig_len, pkt, eth_pkt, port, valve_vlan, eth_src, eth_dst, eth_type)[source]

Bases: object

Original, and parsed Ethernet packet metadata.

ETH_TYPES_PARSERS = {2048: (4, <function ipv4_parseable at 0x7f6b168831e0>, <class 'ryu.lib.packet.ipv4.ipv4'>), 2054: (None, None, <class 'ryu.lib.packet.arp.arp'>), 34525: (6, None, <class 'ryu.lib.packet.ipv6.ipv6'>)}
MIN_ETH_TYPE_PKT_SIZE = {2048: 38, 2054: 46, 34525: 58}

Return IP version number.


True if we have the complete packet.


Reparse packet using data up to the specified maximum length.


Reparse packet with all available data.


Reparse packet with specified IP header type and optionally payload.

faucet.valve_packet.arp_reply(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip)[source]

Return an ARP reply packet.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – Ethernet source address.
  • eth_dst (str) – destination Ethernet MAC address.
  • src_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address) – source IPv4 address.
  • dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address) – destination IPv4 address.

serialized ARP reply packet.

Return type:


faucet.valve_packet.arp_request(vid, eth_src, src_ip, dst_ip)[source]

Return an ARP request packet.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – Ethernet source address.
  • src_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address) – source IPv4 address.
  • dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address) – requested IPv4 address.

serialized ARP request packet.

Return type:


faucet.valve_packet.build_pkt_header(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, dl_type)[source]

Return an Ethernet packet header.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
  • eth_dst (str) – destination Ethernet MAC address.
  • dl_type (int) – EtherType.

Ethernet packet with header.

Return type:


faucet.valve_packet.echo_reply(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip, data)[source]

Return an ICMP echo reply packet.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – Ethernet source address.
  • eth_dst (str) – destination Ethernet MAC address.
  • src_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address) – source IPv4 address.
  • dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address) – destination IPv4 address.

serialized ICMP echo reply packet.

Return type:


faucet.valve_packet.faucet_lldp_stack_state_tlvs(dp, port)[source]

Return a LLDP TLV for state of a stack port.


Return LLDP TLVs for a datapath.


Return first 3 bytes of MAC address (given as str).

faucet.valve_packet.faucet_tlvs(lldp_pkt, faucet_dp_mac)[source]

Return list of TLVs with FAUCET OUI.

faucet.valve_packet.icmpv6_echo_reply(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip, hop_limit, id_, seq, data)[source]

Return IPv6 ICMP echo reply packet.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
  • eth_dst (str) – destination Ethernet MAC address.
  • src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – source IPv6 address.
  • dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – destination IPv6 address.
  • hop_limit (int) – IPv6 hop limit.
  • id_ (int) – identifier for echo reply.
  • seq (int) – sequence number for echo reply.
  • data (str) – payload for echo reply.

Serialized IPv6 ICMP echo reply packet.

Return type:



Return True if an IPv4 packet we could parse.

Return an Ethernet multicast address from an IPv6 address.

See RFC 2464 section 7.

Parameters:dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – IPv6 address.
Returns:Ethernet multicast address.
Return type:str

Return IPv6 solicited node multicast address from IPv6 unicast address.

See RFC 3513 section 2.7.1.

Parameters:ucast (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – IPv6 unicast address.
Returns:IPv6 solicited node multicast address.
Return type:ipaddress.IPv6Address
faucet.valve_packet.lacp_reqreply(eth_src, actor_system, actor_key, actor_port, partner_system, partner_key, partner_port, partner_system_priority, partner_port_priority, partner_state_defaulted, partner_state_expired, partner_state_timeout, partner_state_collecting, partner_state_distributing, partner_state_aggregation, partner_state_synchronization, partner_state_activity)[source]

Return a LACP frame.

  • eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
  • actor_system (str) – actor system ID (MAC address)
  • actor_key (int) – actor’s LACP key assigned to this port.
  • actor_port (int) – actor port number.
  • partner_system (str) – partner system ID (MAC address)
  • partner_key (int) – partner’s LACP key assigned to this port.
  • partner_port (int) – partner port number.
  • partner_system_priority (int) – partner’s system priority.
  • partner_port_priority (int) – partner’s port priority.
  • partner_state_defaulted (int) – 1 if partner reverted to defaults.
  • partner_state_expired (int) – 1 if partner thinks LACP expired.
  • partner_state_timeout (int) – 1 if partner has short timeout.
  • partner_state_collecting (int) – 1 if partner receiving on this link.
  • partner_state_distributing (int) – 1 if partner transmitting on this link.
  • partner_state_aggregation (int) – 1 if partner can aggregate this link.
  • partner_state_synchronization (int) – 1 if partner will use this link.
  • partner_state_activity (int) – 1 if partner actively sends LACP.

Ethernet packet with header.

Return type:


faucet.valve_packet.lldp_beacon(eth_src, chassis_id, port_id, ttl, org_tlvs=None, system_name=None, port_descr=None)[source]

Return an LLDP frame suitable for a host/access port.

  • eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
  • chassis_id (str) – Chassis ID.
  • port_id (int) – port ID,
  • TTL (int) – TTL for payload.
  • org_tlvs (list) – list of tuples of (OUI, subtype, info).

Ethernet packet with header.

Return type:



Returns True if mac_addr is a unicast Ethernet address.

Parameters:mac_addr (str) – MAC address.
Returns:True if a unicast Ethernet address.
Return type:bool

Return a MAC address mask with n bytes masked out.

faucet.valve_packet.nd_advert(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip)[source]

Return IPv6 neighbor avertisement packet.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
  • eth_dst (str) – destination Ethernet MAC address.
  • src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – source IPv6 address.
  • dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – destination IPv6 address.

Serialized IPv6 neighbor discovery packet.

Return type:


faucet.valve_packet.nd_request(vid, eth_src, src_ip, dst_ip)[source]

Return IPv6 neighbor discovery request packet.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
  • src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – source IPv6 address.
  • dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – requested IPv6 address.

Serialized IPv6 neighbor discovery packet.

Return type:



Return parsed Ethernet packet.

Parameters:pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet) – packet received from dataplane.
Returns:Ethernet packet.
Return type:ryu.lib.packet.ethernet
faucet.valve_packet.parse_faucet_lldp(lldp_pkt, faucet_dp_mac)[source]

Parse and return FAUCET TLVs from LLDP packet.


Return parsed LACP packet.

Parameters:pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet) – packet received from dataplane.
Returns:LACP packet.
Return type:ryu.lib.packet.lacp

Return parsed LLDP packet.

Parameters:pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet) – packet received from dataplane.
Returns:LLDP packet.
Return type:ryu.lib.packet.lldp
faucet.valve_packet.parse_packet_in_pkt(data, max_len)[source]

Parse a packet received via packet in from the dataplane.

  • data (bytearray) – packet data from dataplane.
  • max_len (int) – max number of packet data bytes to parse.

raw packet ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: parsed Ethernet packet. int: Ethernet type of packet (inside VLAN) int: VLAN VID (or None if no VLAN)

Return type:



Return parsed VLAN header.

Parameters:pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet) – packet received from dataplane.
Returns:VLAN header.
Return type:ryu.lib.packet.vlan
faucet.valve_packet.router_advert(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip, vips, pi_flags=6)[source]

Return IPv6 ICMP echo reply packet.

  • vid (int or None) – VLAN VID to use (or None).
  • eth_src (str) – source Ethernet MAC address.
  • eth_dst (str) – dest Ethernet MAC address.
  • src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address) – source IPv6 address.
  • vips (list) – prefixes (ipaddress.IPv6Address) to advertise.
  • pi_flags (int) – flags to set in prefix information field (default set A and L)

Serialized IPv6 ICMP RA packet.

Return type:


faucet.valve_packet.tlv_cast(tlvs, tlv_attr, cast_func)[source]

Return cast’d attribute of first TLV or None.

faucet.valve_packet.tlvs_by_subtype(tlvs, subtype)[source]

Return list of TLVs with matching type.

faucet.valve_packet.tlvs_by_type(tlvs, tlv_type)[source]

Return list of TLVs with matching type.

faucet.valve_route module

Valve IPv4/IPv6 routing implementation.

class faucet.valve_route.AnonVLAN(vid)[source]

Bases: object

class faucet.valve_route.NextHop(eth_src, port, now)[source]

Bases: object

Describes a directly connected (at layer 2) nexthop.


Return age of this nexthop.


Return True if this nexthop is considered dead.

class faucet.valve_route.ValveIPv4RouteManager(logger, global_vlan, arp_neighbor_timeout, max_hosts_per_resolve_cycle, max_host_fib_retry_count, max_resolve_backoff_time, proactive_learn, dec_ttl, fib_table, vip_table, eth_src_table, eth_dst_table, flood_table, route_priority, routers, use_group_table, groups)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve_route.ValveRouteManager

Implement IPv4 RIB/FIB.

CONTROL_ETH_TYPES = (2048, 2054)
ETH_TYPE = 2048
IPV = 4
control_plane_handler(now, pkt_meta)[source]
resolve_gw_on_port(vlan, port, faucet_vip, ip_gw)[source]
resolve_gw_on_vlan(vlan, faucet_vip, ip_gw)[source]
class faucet.valve_route.ValveIPv6RouteManager(logger, global_vlan, arp_neighbor_timeout, max_hosts_per_resolve_cycle, max_host_fib_retry_count, max_resolve_backoff_time, proactive_learn, dec_ttl, fib_table, vip_table, eth_src_table, eth_dst_table, flood_table, route_priority, routers, use_group_table, groups)[source]

Bases: faucet.valve_route.ValveRouteManager

Implement IPv6 FIB.

ETH_TYPE = 34525
IPV = 6
control_plane_handler(now, pkt_meta)[source]
resolve_gw_on_port(vlan, port, faucet_vip, ip_gw)[source]
resolve_gw_on_vlan(vlan, faucet_vip, ip_gw)[source]
class faucet.valve_route.ValveRouteManager(logger, global_vlan, arp_neighbor_timeout, max_hosts_per_resolve_cycle, max_host_fib_retry_count, max_resolve_backoff_time, proactive_learn, dec_ttl, fib_table, vip_table, eth_src_table, eth_dst_table, flood_table, route_priority, routers, use_group_table, groups)[source]

Bases: object

Base class to implement RIB/FIB.

IPV = 0
MAX_LEN = 128
active = False
add_faucet_vip(vlan, faucet_vip)[source]
add_host_fib_route_from_pkt(now, pkt_meta)[source]

Add a host FIB route given packet from host.

  • now (float) – seconds since epoch.
  • pkt_meta (PacketMeta) – received packet.

OpenFlow messages.

Return type:


add_route(vlan, ip_gw, ip_dst)[source]

Add a route to the RIB.

  • vlan (vlan) – VLAN containing this RIB.
  • ip_gw (ipaddress.ip_address) – IP address of nexthop.
  • ip_dst (ipaddress.ip_network) – destination IP network.

OpenFlow messages.

Return type:


control_plane_handler(now, pkt_meta)[source]
del_route(vlan, ip_dst)[source]

Delete a route from the RIB.

Only one route with this exact destination is supported.

  • vlan (vlan) – VLAN containing this RIB.
  • ip_dst (ipaddress.ip_network) – destination IP network.

OpenFlow messages.

Return type:


resolve_gateways(vlan, now)[source]

Re/resolve all gateways.

  • vlan (vlan) – VLAN containing this RIB/FIB.
  • now (float) – seconds since epoch.

OpenFlow messages.

Return type:


resolve_gw_on_port(vlan, port, faucet_vip, ip_gw)[source]
resolve_gw_on_vlan(vlan, faucet_vip, ip_gw)[source]

faucet.valve_ryuapp module

RyuApp base class for FAUCET/Gauge.

class faucet.valve_ryuapp.EventReconfigure[source]

Bases: ryu.controller.event.EventBase

Event sent to controller to cause config reload.

class faucet.valve_ryuapp.RyuAppBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ryu.base.app_manager.RyuApp

RyuApp base class for FAUCET/Gauge.


Handle connection or disconnection of a datapath.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.dpset.EventDP) – trigger.
exc_logname = ''
get_setting(setting, path_eval=False)[source]

Return config setting prefaced with logname.

logname = ''

Handle reconnection of a datapath.

Parameters:ryu_event (ryu.controller.dpset.EventDPReconnected) – trigger.

Handle reloading configuration.

signal_handler(sigid, _)[source]

Handle signals.

Parameters:sigid (int) – signal received.

Start controller.

faucet.valve_table module

Abstraction of an OF table.

class faucet.valve_table.ValveGroupEntry(table, group_id, buckets)[source]

Bases: object

Abstraction for a single OpenFlow group entry.


Return flows to add this entry to the group table.


Return flow to delete an existing group entry.


Return flow to modify an existing group entry.


Update entry with new buckets.

class faucet.valve_table.ValveGroupTable[source]

Bases: object

Wrap access to group table.


Delete all groups.

entries = {}
get_entry(group_id, buckets)[source]

Update entry with group_id with buckets, and return the entry.

static group_id_from_str(key_str)[source]

Return a group ID based on a string key.

class faucet.valve_table.ValveTable(table_id, name, table_config, flow_cookie, notify_flow_removed=False)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper for an OpenFlow table.

flowcontroller(match=None, priority=None, inst=None, max_len=96)[source]

Add flow outputting to controller.

flowdel(match=None, priority=None, out_port=4294967295, strict=False)[source]

Delete matching flows from a table.

flowdrop(match=None, priority=None, hard_timeout=0)[source]

Add drop matching flow to a table.

flowmod(match=None, priority=None, inst=None, command=0, out_port=0, out_group=0, hard_timeout=0, idle_timeout=0, cookie=None)[source]

Helper function to construct a flow mod message with cookie.

match(in_port=None, vlan=None, eth_type=None, eth_src=None, eth_dst=None, eth_dst_mask=None, icmpv6_type=None, nw_proto=None, nw_dst=None)[source]

Compose an OpenFlow match rule.

faucet.valve_util module

Utility functions for FAUCET.


Return byte array/string as string.


Close all handlers on logger object.


Log a DP ID as hex/decimal.

faucet.valve_util.get_logger(logname, logfile, loglevel, propagate)[source]

Create and return a logger object.

faucet.valve_util.get_setting(name, path_eval=False)[source]

Returns value of specified configuration setting.


Returns an additional prefix for log and configuration files when used in a virtual environment


decorator to ensure functions will kill ryu when an unhandled exception occurs


Return dict of a subset of stat attributes on config files.


Gracefully decode a possibly UTF-8 string.

faucet.valves_manager module

Manage a collection of Valves.

class faucet.valves_manager.ConfigWatcher[source]

Bases: object

Watch config for file or content changes.

config_file = None
config_file_stats = None
config_hashes = None

Return True if config file content actually changed.


Return True if any config files changed.

update(new_config_file, new_config_hashes=None)[source]

Update state with new config file/hashes.

class faucet.valves_manager.ValvesManager(logname, logger, metrics, notifier, bgp, dot1x, send_flows_to_dp_by_id)[source]

Bases: object

Manage a collection of Valves.

load_configs(now, new_config_file, delete_dp=None)[source]

Load/apply new config to all Valves.


Return parsed configs for Valves, or None.

request_reload_configs(now, new_config_file, delete_dp=None)[source]

Process a request to load config changes.


Update metrics in all Valves.

valve_flow_services(now, valve_service)[source]

Call a method on all Valves and send any resulting flows.

valve_packet_in(now, valve, msg)[source]

Time a call to Valve packet in handler.

valves = {}

faucet.vlan module

VLAN configuration.

class faucet.vlan.AnyVLAN[source]

Bases: object

Placeholder any tagged VLAN.

name = 'Any VLAN'
vid = 4096
class faucet.vlan.HostCacheEntry(eth_src, port, cache_time)[source]

Bases: object

Association of a host with a port.

class faucet.vlan.NullVLAN[source]

Bases: object

Placeholder null VLAN.

name = 'Null VLAN'
vid = 0
class faucet.vlan.VLAN(_id, dp_id, conf=None)[source]

Bases: faucet.conf.Conf

Contains state for one VLAN, including its configuration.

acl_in = None
acls_in = None
add_cache_host(eth_src, port, cache_time)[source]
add_route(ip_dst, ip_gw)[source]

Add an IP route.


Return list of all IP gateways for specified IP version.

bgp_as = None
bgp_connect_mode = None

Return list of IP versions for BGP configured on this VLAN.

bgp_local_address = None
bgp_neighbor_addresses = []

Return BGP neighbor addresses with specified IP version on this VLAN.

bgp_neighbor_as = None
bgp_neighbour_addresses = []
bgp_neighbour_as = None
bgp_port = None
bgp_routerid = None
bgp_server_addresses = []

Return BGP server addresses with specified IP version on this VLAN.

cached_host_on_port(eth_src, port)[source]

Return host cache entry if host in cache and on specified port.


Return count of all hosts learned on a port.


Return all hosts learned on a port.


Check config at instantiation time for errors, typically via assert.


Clear all hosts learned on a port.

defaults = {'acl_in': None, 'acls_in': None, 'bgp_as': None, 'bgp_connect_mode': 'passive', 'bgp_local_address': None, 'bgp_neighbor_addresses': [], 'bgp_neighbor_as': None, 'bgp_neighbour_addresses': [], 'bgp_neighbour_as': None, 'bgp_port': 9179, 'bgp_routerid': None, 'bgp_server_addresses': ['', '::'], 'description': None, 'faucet_mac': '0e:00:00:00:00:01', 'faucet_vips': None, 'max_hosts': 256, 'minimum_ip_size_check': True, 'name': None, 'proactive_arp_limit': 0, 'proactive_nd_limit': 0, 'routes': None, 'targeted_gw_resolution': False, 'unicast_flood': True, 'vid': None}
defaults_types = {'acl_in': (<class 'int'>, <class 'str'>), 'acls_in': <class 'list'>, 'bgp_as': <class 'int'>, 'bgp_connect_mode': <class 'str'>, 'bgp_local_address': <class 'str'>, 'bgp_neighbor_addresses': <class 'list'>, 'bgp_neighbor_as': <class 'int'>, 'bgp_neighbour_addresses': <class 'list'>, 'bgp_neighbour_as': <class 'int'>, 'bgp_port': <class 'int'>, 'bgp_routerid': <class 'str'>, 'bgp_server_addresses': <class 'list'>, 'description': <class 'str'>, 'faucet_mac': <class 'str'>, 'faucet_vips': <class 'list'>, 'max_hosts': <class 'int'>, 'minimum_ip_size_check': <class 'bool'>, 'name': <class 'str'>, 'proactive_arp_limit': <class 'int'>, 'proactive_nd_limit': <class 'int'>, 'routes': <class 'list'>, 'targeted_gw_resolution': <class 'bool'>, 'unicast_flood': <class 'bool'>, 'vid': <class 'int'>}

Delete an IP route.

dp_id = None
dyn_gws_by_ipv = None
dyn_host_cache = None
dyn_host_cache_by_port = None
dyn_last_time_hosts_expired = None
dyn_learn_ban_count = 0
dyn_neigh_cache_by_ipv = None
dyn_oldest_host_time = None
dyn_routes_by_ipv = None

Expire a host from caches.

expire_cache_hosts(now, learn_timeout)[source]

Expire stale host entries.

faucet_mac = None
faucet_vips = None

Return VIPs with specified IP version on this VLAN.

flood_pkt(packet_builder, random_order, *args)[source]
static flood_ports(configured_ports, exclude_unicast)[source]
from_connected_to_vip(src_ip, dst_ip)[source]

Return True if src_ip in connected network and dst_ip is a VIP.

  • src_ip (ipaddress.ip_address) – source IP.
  • dst_ip (ipaddress.ip_address) – destination IP

True if local traffic for a VIP.


Return all ports on this VLAN.


Return all ports with hairpin enabled.


Return number of hosts learned on this VLAN.


Return list of IP destinations, for specified gateway.


Return faucet_vip if IP in same IP network as a VIP on this VLAN.


Return IP versions configured on this VLAN.


Return True if IP is a VIP on this VLAN.


Return dict of LAGs mapped to member ports.

max_hosts = None

Return list of ports that are mirrored on this VLAN.

mutable_attrs = frozenset({'tagged', 'untagged'})
name = None

Return neighbor cache for specified IP version on this VLAN.


Return number of hosts in neighbor cache for specified IP version on this VLAN.

output_port(port, hairpin=False)[source]
pkt_out_port(packet_builder, port, *args)[source]

Return True if port number is an tagged port on this VLAN.


Return True if port number is an untagged port on this VLAN.

proactive_arp_limit = None
proactive_nd_limit = None

Reset dynamic caches.


Return route table count for specified IP version on this VLAN.

routes = None

Return route table for specified IP version on this VLAN.


Set default values and run any basic sanity checks.

tagged = None
targeted_gw_resolution = None

Return configuration as a dict.

unicast_flood = None
untagged = None
vid = None
static vid_valid(vid)[source]

Return True if VID valid.

faucet.watcher module

Gauge watcher implementations.

class faucet.watcher.GaugeFlowTableLogger(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugeFlowTablePoller

Periodically dumps the current datapath flow table as a yaml object.

Includes a timestamp and a reference ($DATAPATHNAME-flowtables). The flow table is dumped as an OFFlowStatsReply message (in yaml format) that matches all flows.

optionally the output can be compressed by setting compressed: true in the config for this watcher

update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.watcher.GaugePortStateLogger(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatePoller

Abstraction for port state logger.

static no_response()[source]

Called when a polling cycle passes without receiving a response.

static send_req()[source]

Send a stats request to a datapath.

update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message
class faucet.watcher.GaugePortStatsLogger(conf, logname, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.gauge_pollers.GaugePortStatsPoller

Abstraction for port statistics logger.

update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg)[source]

Handle the responses to requests.

Called when a reply to a stats request sent by this object is received by the controller.

It should acknowledge the receipt by setting self.reply_pending to false.

  • rcv_time – the time the response was received
  • dp_id – DP ID
  • msg – the stats reply message

Return a Gauge object based on type.

Parameters:conf (GaugeConf) – object with the configuration for this valve.

faucet.watcher_conf module

Gauge watcher configuration.

class faucet.watcher_conf.WatcherConf(_id, dp_id, conf, prom_client)[source]

Bases: faucet.conf.Conf

Stores the state and configuration to monitor a single stat.

Watcher Config

Watchers are configured in the watchers config block in the config for gauge.

The following elements can be configured for each watcher, at the level of /watchers/<watcher name>/:

  • type (string): The type of watcher (IE what stat this watcher monitors). The types are ‘port_state’, ‘port_stats’ or ‘flow_table’.
  • dps (list): A list of dps that should be monitored with this watcher.
  • db (string): The db that will be used to store the data once it is retreived.
  • interval (int): if this watcher requires polling the switch, it will monitor at this interval.

The config for a db should be created in the gauge config file under the dbs config block.

The following elements can be configured for each db, at the level of /dbs/<db name>/:

  • type (string): the type of db. The available types are ‘text’ and ‘influx’ for port_state, ‘text’, ‘influx’and ‘prometheus’ for port_stats and ‘text’ and flow_table.

The following config elements then depend on the type. For text:

  • file (string): the filename of the file to write output to.
  • compress (bool): compress (with gzip) flow_table output while writing it
For influx:
  • influx_db (str): The name of the influxdb database. Defaults to ‘faucet’.
  • influx_host (str): The host where the influxdb is reachable. Defaults to ‘localhost’.
  • influx_port (int): The port that the influxdb host will listen on. Defaults to 8086.
  • influx_user (str): The username for accessing influxdb. Defaults to ‘’.
  • influx_pwd (str): The password for accessing influxdb. Defaults to ‘’.
  • influx_timeout (int): The timeout in seconds for connecting to influxdb. Defaults to 10.
  • influx_retries (int): The number of times to retry connecting to influxdb after failure. Defaults to 3.
For Prometheus:
  • prometheus_port (int): The port used to export prometheus data. Defaults to 9303.
  • prometheus_addr (ip addr str): The address used to export prometheus data. Defaults to ‘’.

Add database config to this watcher.


Add a datapath to this watcher.

all_dps = None
db = None
db_type = None
defaults = {'all_dps': False, 'compress': False, 'db': None, 'db_type': 'text', 'dbs': None, 'dps': None, 'file': None, 'influx_db': 'faucet', 'influx_host': 'localhost', 'influx_port': 8086, 'influx_pwd': '', 'influx_retries': 3, 'influx_timeout': 10, 'influx_user': '', 'interval': 30, 'name': None, 'prometheus_addr': '', 'prometheus_port': 9303, 'prometheus_test_thread': False, 'type': None}
defaults_types = {'all_dps': <class 'bool'>, 'compress': <class 'bool'>, 'db': <class 'str'>, 'db_type': <class 'str'>, 'dbs': <class 'list'>, 'dps': <class 'list'>, 'file': <class 'str'>, 'influx_db': <class 'str'>, 'influx_host': <class 'str'>, 'influx_port': <class 'int'>, 'influx_pwd': <class 'str'>, 'influx_retries': <class 'int'>, 'influx_timeout': <class 'int'>, 'influx_user': <class 'str'>, 'interval': <class 'int'>, 'name': <class 'str'>, 'prometheus_addr': <class 'str'>, 'prometheus_port': <class 'int'>, 'prometheus_test_thread': <class 'bool'>, 'type': <class 'str'>}
dp = None
dps = None
interval = None
prom_client = None
type = None

Module contents