faucet.valve_of module
Utility functions to parse/create OpenFlow messages.
- class faucet.valve_of.NullRyuDatapath[source]
Placeholder Ryu Datapath.
- ofproto = <module 'os_ken.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3' from '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/faucet/envs/stable/lib/python3.10/site-packages/os_ken/ofproto/ofproto_v1_3.py'>
- faucet.valve_of.apply_actions(actions)[source]
Return instruction that applies action list.
- Parameters:
actions (list) – list of OpenFlow actions.
- Returns:
instruction of actions.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.barrier()[source]
Return OpenFlow barrier request.
- Returns:
barrier request.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.bucket(weight=0, watch_port=4294967295, watch_group=4294967295, actions=None)[source]
Return a group action bucket with provided actions.
- faucet.valve_of.build_group_flood_buckets(vlan_flood_acts)[source]
Return a list of group buckets to implement flooding on a VLAN.
- faucet.valve_of.build_match_dict(in_port=None, vlan=None, eth_type=None, eth_src=None, eth_dst=None, eth_dst_mask=None, icmpv6_type=None, nw_proto=None, nw_dst=None, metadata=None, metadata_mask=None, vlan_pcp=None, udp_src=None, udp_dst=None)[source]
- faucet.valve_of.controller_pps_meteradd(datapath=None, pps=0)[source]
Add a PPS meter towards controller.
- faucet.valve_of.controller_pps_meterdel(datapath=None)[source]
Delete a PPS meter towards controller.
- faucet.valve_of.ct(**kwds)[source]
Return connection tracker action.
- Parameters:
kwds (dict) – exactly one connection tracker action.
- Returns:
connection tracker action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.ct_clear()[source]
Return clear connection tracker state action.
- Parameters:
kwds (dict) – exactly one clear connection tracker state action.
- Returns:
clear connection tracker state action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.ct_nat(**kwds)[source]
Return network address translation connection tracker action.
- Parameters:
kwds (dict) – exactly one network address translation connection tracker action.
- Returns:
network address translation connection tracker action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.dec_ip_ttl()[source]
Return OpenFlow action to decrement IP TTL.
- Returns:
decrement IP TTL.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.dedupe_ofmsgs(input_ofmsgs, random_order, flowkey)[source]
Return deduplicated ofmsg list.
- faucet.valve_of.dedupe_output_port_acts(output_port_acts)[source]
Deduplicate parser.OFPActionOutputs (because Ryu doesn’t define __eq__).
- Parameters:
ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput (list of) – output to port actions.
- Returns:
output to port actions.
- Return type:
list of ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput
- faucet.valve_of.devid_present(vid)[source]
Return VLAN VID without VID_PRESENT flag set.
- Parameters:
vid (int) – VLAN VID with VID_PRESENT.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.faucet_async(datapath=None, notify_flow_removed=False, packet_in=True, port_status=True)[source]
Return async message config for FAUCET/Gauge
- faucet.valve_of.flood_port_outputs(tagged_ports, untagged_ports, in_port=None, exclude_ports=None)[source]
Return actions for both tagged and untagged ports.
- faucet.valve_of.flood_tagged_port_outputs(ports, in_port=None, exclude_ports=None)[source]
Return list of actions necessary to flood to list of tagged ports.
- faucet.valve_of.flood_untagged_port_outputs(ports, in_port=None, exclude_ports=None)[source]
Return list of actions necessary to flood to list of untagged ports.
- faucet.valve_of.flowmod(cookie, command, table_id, priority, out_port, out_group, match_fields, inst, hard_timeout, idle_timeout, flags=0)[source]
- faucet.valve_of.goto_table(table)[source]
Return instruction to goto table.
- Parameters:
table (ValveTable) – table to goto.
- Returns:
goto instruction.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.goto_table_id(table_id)[source]
Return instruction to goto table by table ID.
- Parameters:
table (int) – table by ID to goto.
- Returns:
goto instruction.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.groupadd_ff(datapath=None, group_id=0, buckets=None)[source]
Add a fast failover group.
- faucet.valve_of.groupdel(datapath=None, group_id=4294967292)[source]
Delete a group (default all groups).
- faucet.valve_of.ignore_port(port_num)[source]
Return True if FAUCET should ignore this port.
- Parameters:
port_num (int) – switch port.
- Returns:
True if FAUCET should ignore this port.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_apply_actions(instruction)[source]
Return True if an apply action.
- Parameters:
instruction – OpenFlow instruction.
- Returns:
True if an apply action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_flowaddmod(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if flow message is a FlowMod, add or modify.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a FlowMod, add or modify.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_flowdel(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if flow message is a FlowMod and a delete.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a FlowMod delete/strict.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_flowmod(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if flow message is a FlowMod.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a FlowMod
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_groupadd(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if OF message is a GroupMod and command is add.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a GroupMod add
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_groupdel(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if OF message is a GroupMod and command is delete.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a GroupMod delete
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_groupmod(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if OF message is a GroupMod.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a GroupMod
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_meter(instruction)[source]
Return True if a meter.
- Parameters:
instruction – OpenFlow instruction.
- Returns:
True if a meter.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_meteradd(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if OF message is a MeterMod and command is add.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a MeterMod add
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_meterdel(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if OF message is a MeterMod and command is delete.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a MeterMod delete
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_metermod(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if OF message is a MeterMod.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a MeterMod
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_output(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if flow message is an action output message.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a OFPActionOutput.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_packetout(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if OF message is a PacketOut
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a PacketOut
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.is_table_features_req(ofmsg)[source]
Return True if flow message is a TFM req.
- Parameters:
ofmsg – ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser message.
- Returns:
True if is a TFM req.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.match(match_fields)[source]
Return OpenFlow matches from dict.
- Parameters:
match_fields (dict) – match fields and values.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.metadata_goto_table(metadata, mask, table)[source]
Return instructions to write metadata and goto table.
- Parameters:
metadata (int) – metadata to write to packet
maks (int) – mask to apply to metadata
table (ValveTable) – table to goto.
- Returns:
list of OFPInstructions
- faucet.valve_of.meterdel(datapath=None, meter_id=4294967295)[source]
Delete a meter (default all meters).
- faucet.valve_of.output_controller(max_len=194)[source]
Return OpenFlow action to packet in to the controller.
- Parameters:
max_len (int) – max number of bytes from packet to output.
- Returns:
packet in action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.output_in_port()[source]
Return OpenFlow action to output out input port.
- Returns:
- faucet.valve_of.output_non_output_actions(flood_acts)[source]
Split output actions into deduped actions, output ports, and non-output port actions.
- Parameters:
ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActions (list of) – flood actions.
- Returns:
set of deduped actions, output ports, and non-output actions.
- faucet.valve_of.output_port(port_num, max_len=0)[source]
Return OpenFlow action to output to a port.
- Parameters:
port_num (int) – port to output to.
max_len (int) – maximum length of packet to output (default no maximum).
- Returns:
output to port action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.packetout(port_num, data)[source]
Return OpenFlow action to packet out to dataplane from controller.
- Parameters:
port_num (int) – port to output to.
data (str) – raw packet to output.
- Returns:
packet out action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.packetouts(port_nums, data)[source]
Return OpenFlow action to multiply packet out to dataplane from controller.
- Parameters:
port_num (list) – ints, ports to output to.
data (str) – raw packet to output.
- Returns:
packet out action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.pop_vlan()[source]
Return OpenFlow action to pop outermost Ethernet 802.1Q VLAN header.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.ports_from_output_port_acts(output_port_acts)[source]
Return unique port numbers from OFPActionOutput actions.
- Parameters:
ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3_parser.OFPActionOutput (list of) – output to port actions.
- Returns:
set of port number ints.
- faucet.valve_of.push_vlan_act(table, vlan_vid, eth_type=33024)[source]
Return OpenFlow action list to push Ethernet 802.1Q header with VLAN VID.
- Parameters:
vid (int) – VLAN VID
- Returns:
actions to push 802.1Q header with VLAN VID set.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.set_field(**kwds)[source]
Return action to set any field.
- Parameters:
kwds (dict) – exactly one field to set
- Returns:
set field action.
- Return type:
- faucet.valve_of.slowpath_pps_meteradd(datapath=None, pps=0)[source]
Add a PPS meter towards controller.
- faucet.valve_of.slowpath_pps_meterdel(datapath=None)[source]
Delete a PPS meter towards controller.
- faucet.valve_of.sort_flows(input_ofmsgs)[source]
Sort flows in canonical order, descending table and priority.