Source code for faucet.acl

"""Configuration for ACLs."""

# Copyright (C) 2015 Brad Cowie, Christopher Lorier and Joe Stringer.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2015--2019 The Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy
import netaddr

from faucet import valve_of
from faucet import valve_acl
from faucet.valve_of import MATCH_FIELDS, OLD_MATCH_FIELDS
from faucet.conf import Conf, test_config_condition, InvalidConfigError
from faucet.valve_table import wildcard_table

[docs]class ACL(Conf): """Contains the state for an ACL, including the configuration. ACL Config ACLs are configured under the 'acls' configuration block. The acls block contains a dictionary of individual acls each keyed by its name. Each acl contains a list of rules, a packet will have the first matching rule applied to it. Each rule is a dictionary containing the single key 'rule' with the value the matches and actions for the rule. The matches are key/values based on the ryu RESTFul API. The key 'actions' contains a dictionary with keys/values as follows: * allow (int): if 1 allow the packet to continue through the Faucet \ pipeline, if 0 drop the packet. * force_port_vlan (int): if 1, do not verify the VLAN/port association \ for this packet and override any VLAN ACL on the forced VLAN. * meter (str): meter to apply to the packet * output (dict): used to output a packet directly. details below. * cookie (int): set flow cookie to this value on this flow The output action contains a dictionary with the following elements: * tunnel (dict): the tunnel formation, creates a tunnel from the applied port(s) \ to the specified destination * port (int or string): the port to output the packet to * ports (list): a list of the ports (int or string) to output the packet to * set_fields (list): a list of fields to set with values * pop_vlans: (int): pop the packet vlan before outputting * vlan_vid: (int): push the vlan vid on the packet when outputting * vlan_vids: (list): push the list of vlans on the packet when outputting, with option eth_type * swap_vid (int): rewrite the vlan vid of the packet when outputting * failover (dict): Output with a failover port (experimental) """ defaults = { 'rules': None, 'exact_match': False, 'dot1x_assigned': False, } defaults_types = { 'rules': list, 'exact_match': bool, 'dot1x_assigned': bool, } rule_types = { 'cookie': int, 'actions': dict, 'description': str, } actions_types = { 'meter': str, 'mirror': (str, int), 'output': (dict, list), 'allow': int, 'force_port_vlan': int, } output_actions_types = { 'tunnel': dict, 'port': (str, int), 'ports': list, 'failover': dict, 'set_fields': list, 'pop_vlans': int, 'swap_vid': int, 'vlan_vid': int, 'vlan_vids': list, } tunnel_types = { 'type': (str, None), 'tunnel_id': (str, int, None), 'dp': str, 'port': (str, int), } mutable_attrs = frozenset(['tunnel_sources']) def __init__(self, _id, dp_id, conf): self.rules = [] self.exact_match = None self.dot1x_assigned = None self.meter = False self.matches = {} self.set_fields = set() self._ports_resolved = False # Tunnel info maintains the tunnel output information for each tunnel rule self.tunnel_info = {} # Tunnel sources is a list of the sources in the network for this ACL self.tunnel_sources = [] # Tunnel rules is the rules for each tunnel in the ACL for each source self.dyn_tunnel_rules = {} for match_fields in (MATCH_FIELDS, OLD_MATCH_FIELDS): self.rule_types.update({match: (str, int) for match in match_fields}) conf = copy.deepcopy(conf) if isinstance(conf, dict): rules = conf.get('rules', []) elif isinstance(conf, list): rules = conf conf = {} else: raise InvalidConfigError( 'ACL conf is an invalid type %s' % _id) conf['rules'] = [] for rule in rules: normalized_rule = rule if isinstance(rule, dict): normalized_rule = rule.get('rule', rule) if normalized_rule is None: normalized_rule = {k: v for k, v in rule.items() if v is not None} test_config_condition(not isinstance(normalized_rule, dict), ( 'ACL rule is %s not %s (%s)' % (type(normalized_rule), dict, rules))) conf['rules'].append(normalized_rule) super(ACL, self).__init__(_id, dp_id, conf)
[docs] def finalize(self): self._ports_resolved = True super(ACL, self).finalize()
[docs] def check_config(self): test_config_condition( not self.rules, 'no rules found for ACL %s' % self._id) for rule in self.rules: self._check_conf_types(rule, self.rule_types) for rule_field, rule_conf in rule.items(): if rule_field == 'cookie': test_config_condition( rule_conf < 0 or rule_conf > 2**16, 'rule cookie value must be 0-2**16') elif rule_field == 'actions': test_config_condition( not rule_conf, 'Missing rule actions in ACL %s' % self._id) self._check_conf_types(rule_conf, self.actions_types) for action_name, action_conf in rule_conf.items(): if action_name == 'output': if isinstance(action_conf, (list, tuple)): # New ordered format for subconf in action_conf: # Make sure only one specified action per list element test_config_condition( len(subconf) > 1, 'ACL ordered output must have only one action per element') # Ensure correct action format self._check_conf_types(subconf, self.output_actions_types) else: # Old format self._check_conf_types( action_conf, self.output_actions_types)
[docs] def build(self, meters, vid, port_num): """Check that ACL can be built from config.""" class NullRyuDatapath: """Placeholder Ryu Datapath.""" ofproto = valve_of.ofp self.matches = {} self.set_fields = set() self.meter = False if self.rules: try: ofmsgs = valve_acl.build_acl_ofmsgs( [self], wildcard_table, [valve_of.goto_table(wildcard_table)], [valve_of.goto_table(wildcard_table)], 2**16-1, meters, self.exact_match, vlan_vid=vid, port_num=port_num) except (netaddr.core.AddrFormatError, KeyError, ValueError) as err: raise InvalidConfigError(err) test_config_condition(not ofmsgs, 'OF messages is empty') for ofmsg in ofmsgs: ofmsg.datapath = NullRyuDatapath() ofmsg.set_xid(0) try: ofmsg.serialize() except (KeyError, ValueError) as err: raise InvalidConfigError(err) except Exception as err: print(ofmsg) raise err if valve_of.is_flowmod(ofmsg): apply_actions = [] for inst in ofmsg.instructions: if valve_of.is_apply_actions(inst): apply_actions.extend(inst.actions) elif valve_of.is_meter(inst): self.meter = True for action in apply_actions: if valve_of.is_set_field(action): self.set_fields.add(action.key) for match, value in ofmsg.match.items(): has_mask = isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) if has_mask or match not in self.matches: self.matches[match] = has_mask return (self.matches, self.set_fields, self.meter)
[docs] def get_meters(self): """Yield meters for each rule in ACL""" for rule in self.rules: if 'actions' not in rule or 'meter' not in rule['actions']: continue yield rule['actions']['meter']
[docs] def get_mirror_destinations(self): """Yield mirror destinations for each rule in ACL""" for rule in self.rules: if 'actions' not in rule or 'mirror' not in rule['actions']: continue yield rule['actions']['mirror']
def _resolve_ordered_output_ports(self, output_list, resolve_port_cb, resolve_tunnel_objects): """Resolve output actions in the ordered list format""" result = [] for action in output_list: for key, value in action.items(): if key == 'tunnel': tunnel = value # Fetch tunnel items from the tunnel output dict test_config_condition( 'dp' not in tunnel, 'ACL (%s) tunnel DP not defined' % self._id) tunnel_dp = tunnel['dp'] test_config_condition( 'port' not in tunnel, 'ACL (%s) tunnel port not defined' % self._id) tunnel_port = tunnel['port'] tunnel_id = tunnel.get('tunnel_id', None) tunnel_type = tunnel.get('type', 'vlan') # Resolve the tunnel items dst_dp, dst_port, tunnel_id = resolve_tunnel_objects( tunnel_dp, tunnel_port, tunnel_id) # Compile the tunnel into an easy-access dictionary tunnel_dict = { 'dst_dp': dst_dp, 'dst_port': dst_port, 'tunnel_id': tunnel_id, 'type': tunnel_type } self.tunnel_info[tunnel_id] = tunnel_dict result.append({key: tunnel_id}) elif key == 'port': port_name = value port = resolve_port_cb(port_name) test_config_condition( not port, 'ACL (%s) output port undefined in DP: %s' % (self._id, self.dp_id)) result.append({key: port}) elif key == 'ports': resolved_ports = [ resolve_port_cb(p) for p in value] test_config_condition( None in resolved_ports, 'ACL (%s) output port(s) not defined in DP: %s' % (self._id, self.dp_id)) result.append({key: resolved_ports}) elif key == 'failover': failover = value test_config_condition(not isinstance(failover, dict), ( 'failover is not a dictionary')) failover_dict = {} for failover_name, failover_values in failover.items(): if failover_name == 'ports': resolved_ports = [ resolve_port_cb(p) for p in failover_values] test_config_condition( None in resolved_ports, 'ACL (%s) failover port(s) not defined in DP: %s' % ( self._id, self.dp_id)) failover_dict[failover_name] = resolved_ports else: failover_dict[failover_name] = failover_values result.append({key: failover_dict}) else: result.append(action) return result def _resolve_output_ports(self, action_conf, resolve_port_cb, resolve_tunnel_objects): """Resolve the values for output actions in the ACL""" if isinstance(action_conf, (list, tuple)): return self._resolve_ordered_output_ports( action_conf, resolve_port_cb, resolve_tunnel_objects) result = {} test_config_condition( 'vlan_vid' in action_conf and 'vlan_vids' in action_conf, 'ACL %s has both vlan_vid and vlan_vids defined' % self._id) test_config_condition( 'port' in action_conf and 'ports' in action_conf, 'ACL %s has both port and ports defined' % self._id) for output_action, output_action_values in action_conf.items(): if output_action == 'tunnel': tunnel = output_action_values # Fetch tunnel items from the tunnel output dict test_config_condition( 'dp' not in tunnel, 'ACL (%s) tunnel DP not defined' % self._id) tunnel_dp = tunnel['dp'] test_config_condition( 'port' not in tunnel, 'ACL (%s) tunnel port not defined' % self._id) tunnel_port = tunnel['port'] tunnel_id = tunnel.get('tunnel_id', None) tunnel_type = tunnel.get('type', 'vlan') # Resolve the tunnel items dst_dp, dst_port, tunnel_id = resolve_tunnel_objects( tunnel_dp, tunnel_port, tunnel_id) # Compile the tunnel into an easy-access dictionary tunnel_dict = { 'dst_dp': dst_dp, 'dst_port': dst_port, 'tunnel_id': tunnel_id, 'type': tunnel_type } self.tunnel_info[tunnel_id] = tunnel_dict result[output_action] = tunnel_id elif output_action == 'port': port_name = output_action_values port = resolve_port_cb(port_name) test_config_condition( not port, ('ACL (%s) output port undefined in DP: %s'\ % (self._id, self.dp_id)) ) result[output_action] = port elif output_action == 'ports': resolved_ports = [ resolve_port_cb(p) for p in output_action_values] test_config_condition( None in resolved_ports, ('ACL (%s) output port(s) not defined in DP: %s'\ % (self._id, self.dp_id)) ) result[output_action] = resolved_ports elif output_action == 'failover': failover = output_action_values test_config_condition(not isinstance(failover, dict), ( 'failover is not a dictionary')) result[output_action] = {} for failover_name, failover_values in failover.items(): if failover_name == 'ports': resolved_ports = [ resolve_port_cb(p) for p in failover_values] test_config_condition( None in resolved_ports, ('ACL (%s) failover port(s) not defined in DP: %s'\ % (self._id, self.dp_id)) ) result[output_action][failover_name] = resolved_ports else: result[output_action][failover_name] = failover_values else: result[output_action] = output_action_values return result
[docs] def resolve_ports(self, resolve_port_cb, resolve_tunnel_objects): """Resolve the values for the actions of an ACL""" if self._ports_resolved: return for rule_conf in self.rules: if 'actions' in rule_conf: actions_conf = rule_conf['actions'] resolved_actions = {} test_config_condition(not isinstance(actions_conf, dict), ( 'actions value is not a dictionary')) for action_name, action_conf in actions_conf.items(): if action_name == 'mirror': resolved_port = resolve_port_cb(action_conf) test_config_condition( resolved_port is None, ('ACL (%s) mirror port is not defined in DP: %s'\ % (self._id, self.dp_id)) ) resolved_actions[action_name] = resolved_port elif action_name == 'output': resolved_action = self._resolve_output_ports( action_conf, resolve_port_cb, resolve_tunnel_objects) resolved_actions[action_name] = resolved_action else: resolved_actions[action_name] = action_conf rule_conf['actions'] = resolved_actions self._ports_resolved = True
[docs] def get_num_tunnels(self): """Returns the number of tunnels specified in the ACL""" num_tunnels = 0 for rule_conf in self.rules: if self.does_rule_contain_tunnel(rule_conf): output_conf = rule_conf['actions']['output'] if isinstance(output_conf, list): for action in output_conf: for key in action: if key == 'tunnel': num_tunnels += 1 else: if 'tunnel' in output_conf: num_tunnels += 1 return num_tunnels
[docs] def get_tunnel_rules(self, tunnel_id): """Return the list of rules that apply a specific tunnel ID""" rules = [] for rule_conf in self.rules: if self.does_rule_contain_tunnel(rule_conf): output_conf = rule_conf['actions']['output'] if isinstance(output_conf, (list, tuple)): for action in output_conf: for key, value in action.items(): if key == 'tunnel' and value == tunnel_id: rules.append(rule_conf) continue else: if output_conf['tunnel'] == tunnel_id: rules.append(rule_conf) return rules
[docs] def does_rule_contain_tunnel(self, rule_conf): """Return true if the ACL rule contains a tunnel""" if 'actions' in rule_conf: if 'output' in rule_conf['actions']: output_conf = rule_conf['actions']['output'] if isinstance(output_conf, (list, tuple)): for action in output_conf: for key in action: if key == 'tunnel': return True else: if 'tunnel' in output_conf: return True return False
[docs] def is_tunnel_acl(self): """Return true if the ACL contains a tunnel""" if self.tunnel_info: return True for rule_conf in self.rules: if self.does_rule_contain_tunnel(rule_conf): return True return False
[docs] def add_tunnel_source(self, dp, port): """Add a source dp/port pair for the tunnel ACL""" self.tunnel_sources += ({'dp': dp, 'port': port},) for _id in self.tunnel_info: self.dyn_tunnel_rules.setdefault(_id, []) self.dyn_tunnel_rules[_id].append([])
[docs] def verify_tunnel_rules(self): """Make sure that matches & set fields are configured correctly to handle tunnels""" if 'in_port' not in self.matches: self.matches['in_port'] = False if 'vlan_vid' not in self.matches: self.matches['vlan_vid'] = True if 'vlan_vid' not in self.set_fields: self.set_fields.add('vlan_vid')
[docs] def update_source_tunnel_rules(self, curr_dp, source_id, tunnel_id, out_port): """Update the tunnel rulelist for when the output port has changed""" src_dp = self.tunnel_sources[source_id]['dp'] dst_dp = self.tunnel_info[tunnel_id]['dst_dp'] prev_list = self.dyn_tunnel_rules[tunnel_id][source_id] new_list = [] if curr_dp == src_dp and curr_dp != dst_dp: # SRC DP: in_port, actions=[push_vlan, output, pop_vlans] new_list.append({'vlan_vid': tunnel_id}) new_list.append({'port': out_port}) new_list.append({'pop_vlans': 1}) elif curr_dp == dst_dp and curr_dp != src_dp: # DST DP: in_port, vlan_vid, actions=[pop_vlan, output] new_list.append({'pop_vlans': 1}) new_list.append({'port': out_port}) else: # SINGLE DP: in_port, actions=[out_port] # TRANSIT DP: in_port, vlan_vid, actions=[output] new_list.append({'port': out_port}) if new_list != prev_list: self.dyn_tunnel_rules[tunnel_id][source_id] = new_list return True return True
# NOTE: 802.1x steals the port ACL table. PORT_ACL_8021X = ACL( 'port_acl_8021x', 0, {'rules': [{'eth_type': 1, 'eth_src': '01:02:03:04:05:06', 'actions': { 'output': {'set_fields': [ {'eth_src': '01:02:03:04:05:06'}, {'eth_dst': '01:02:03:04:05:06'}]}}}]}){}, None, 1) MAB_ACL_8021X = ACL( 'mab_acl_8021x', 0, {'rules': [{'eth_type': valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IP, 'eth_src': '01:02:03:04:05:06', 'ip_proto': valve_of.inet.IPPROTO_UDP, 'udp_src': 68, 'udp_dst': 67, }]}){}, None, 1)