Configuring with the facuet Raspbian image

This tutorial will go through the steps of installing the faucet raspbian image onto a Raspberry Pi and configuring the main components.


Component Purpose
faucet Network controller
gauge Monitoring controller
prometheus Monitoring system & time series database
grafana Monitoring dashboard


It is strongly recommended to use a Raspberry Pi 3 or better.

Downloading & installing the image on a Raspberry Pi

First we need to get the faucet raspbian image onto our computer from the latest faucet Raspbian image download.

The image can then be copied onto an SD card following the same steps from the official Raspberry Pi installation guide.

You should now have the faucet image installed onto an SD card. Just plug the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and it will boot up. Use the default login credentials to login to the Pi.

Default Pi Login Credentials

Username Password
pi raspberry

The image already contains faucet and the other components pre-installed. Next we will be going through and configuring each component for use.

Configure prometheus

We need to configure prometheus to tell it how to scrape metrics from both the faucet and gauge controllers. To help make life easier faucet ships a sample configuration file for prometheus which sets it up to scrape a single faucet and gauge controller running on the same machine as prometheus. The configuration file we ship looks like:

To learn more about what this configuration file does you can look at the Prometheus Configuration Documentation. The simple explanation is that it includes an additional faucet.rules.yml file that performs some automatic queries in prometheus for generating some additional metrics as well as setting up scrape jobs every 15 seconds for faucet listening on localhost:9302 and gauge listening on localhost:9303.

Steps to make prometheus use the configuration file shipped with faucet:

  1. Change the configuration file prometheus loads by editing the file /etc/default/prometheus to look like:

    :caption: /etc/default/prometheus
    :name: default-prometheus
    # Set the command-line arguments to pass to the server.
  2. Restart prometheus to apply the changes:

    sudo systemctl restart prometheus

Configure grafana

Grafana running in it’s default configuration will work just fine for our needs. We will however need to make it start on boot, configure prometheus as a data source and add our first dashboard:

  1. Make grafana start on boot and then start it manually for the first time:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable grafana-server
    sudo systemctl start grafana-server
  2. To finish setup we will configure grafana via the web interface. First find the IP address of your Raspberry Pi

    hostname -I

    Next load http://<Raspberry Pi IP address>:3000 in your web browser (by default both the username and password are admin).

  3. The web interface will first prompt us to add a data source. Use the following settings then click Save & Test:

    Name:   Prometheus
    Type:   Prometheus
    URL:    http://localhost:9090
  4. Next we want to add some dashboards so that we can later view the metrics from faucet.

    Hover over the + button on the left sidebar in the web interface and click Import.

    We will import the following dashboards, just download the following links and upload them through the grafana dashboard import screen:

Configure faucet

For this tutorial we will configure a very simple network topology consisting of a single switch with two ports.

  1. Configure faucet

    We need to tell faucet about our topology and VLAN information, we can do this by editing the faucet configuration /etc/faucet/faucet.yaml to look like:

    :caption: /etc/faucet/faucet.yaml
    :name: tutorial-faucet.yaml
            vid: 100
            description: "office network"
            dp_id: 0x1
            hardware: "Open vSwitch"
                    name: "host1"
                    description: "host1 network namespace"
                    native_vlan: office
                    name: "host2"
                    description: "host2 network namespace"
                    native_vlan: office


    Tabs are forbidden in the YAML language, please use only spaces for indentation.

    This will create a single VLAN and a single datapath with two ports.

  2. Verify configuration

    The check_faucet_config command can be used to verify faucet has correctly interpreted your configuration before loading it. This can avoid shooting yourself in the foot by applying configuration with typos. We recommend either running this command by hand or with automation each time before loading configuration.

    check_faucet_config /etc/faucet/faucet.yaml

    This script will either return an error, or in the case of successfully parsing the configuration it will return a JSON object containing the entire faucet configuration that would be loaded (including any default settings), for example:

    {'drop_spoofed_faucet_mac': True, 'hardware': 'Open vSwitch', 'lowest_priority': 0, 'highest_priority': 9099, 'faucet_dp_mac': '0e:00:00:00:00:01', 'metrics_rate_limit_sec': 0, 'use_idle_timeout': False, 'max_resolve_backoff_time': 32, 'high_priority': 9001, 'timeout': 300, 'drop_lldp': True, 'learn_ban_timeout': 10, 'ofchannel_log': None, 'drop_broadcast_source_address': True, 'max_hosts_per_resolve_cycle': 5, 'proactive_learn': True, 'lldp_beacon': {}, 'cookie': 1524372928, 'stack': None, 'dp_id': 1, 'priority_offset': 0, 'description': 'sw1', 'max_host_fib_retry_count': 10, 'learn_jitter': 10, 'interfaces': {'p1': {'lldp_beacon': {}, 'unicast_flood': True, 'enabled': True, 'tagged_vlans': [], 'number': 1, 'description': 'port1', 'acls_in': None, 'mirror': None, 'acl_in': None, 'opstatus_reconf': True, 'hairpin': False, 'native_vlan': VLAN office vid:100 ports:Port 1,Port 2, 'loop_protect': False, 'stack': None, 'lacp': 0, 'override_output_port': None, 'receive_lldp': False, 'max_hosts': 255, 'permanent_learn': False, 'output_only': False}, 'p2': {'lldp_beacon': {}, 'unicast_flood': True, 'enabled': True, 'tagged_vlans': [], 'number': 2, 'description': 'port2', 'acls_in': None, 'mirror': None, 'acl_in': None, 'opstatus_reconf': True, 'hairpin': False, 'native_vlan': VLAN office vid:100 ports:Port 1,Port 2, 'loop_protect': False, 'stack': None, 'lacp': 0, 'override_output_port': None, 'receive_lldp': False, 'max_hosts': 255, 'permanent_learn': False, 'output_only': False}}, 'combinatorial_port_flood': True, 'packetin_pps': 0, 'ignore_learn_ins': 10, 'interface_ranges': {}, 'group_table_routing': False, 'advertise_interval': 30, 'group_table': False, 'low_priority': 9000, 'arp_neighbor_timeout': 250, 'drop_bpdu': True}
  3. Reload faucet

    To apply this configuration we can reload faucet which will cause it to compute the difference between the old and new configuration and apply the minimal set of changes to the network in a hitless fashion (where possible).

    sudo systemctl reload faucet
  4. Check logs

    To verify the configuration reload was successful we can check /var/log/faucet/faucet.log and make sure faucet successfully loaded the configuration we can check the faucet log file /var/log/faucet/faucet.log:

    :caption: /var/log/faucet/faucet.log
    :name: tutorial-faucet.log
     faucet INFO     Loaded configuration from /etc/faucet/faucet.yaml
     faucet INFO     Add new datapath DPID 1 (0x1)
     faucet INFO     Add new datapath DPID 2 (0x2)
     faucet INFO     configuration /etc/faucet/faucet.yaml changed, analyzing differences
     faucet INFO     Reconfiguring existing datapath DPID 1 (0x1)
     faucet.valve INFO     DPID 1 (0x1) skipping configuration because datapath not up
     faucet INFO     Deleting de-configured DPID 2 (0x2)

    If there were any issues (say faucet wasn’t able to find a valid pathway from the old config to the new config) we could issue a faucet restart now which will cause a cold restart of the network.

Configure gauge

We will not need to edit the default gauge configuration that is shipped with faucet as it will be good enough to complete the rest of this tutorial. If you did need to modify it the path is /etc/faucet/gauge.yaml and the default configuration looks like:

This default configuration will setup a prometheus exporter listening on port and write all the different kind of gauge metrics to this exporter.

We will however need to restart the current gauge instance so it can pick up our new faucet configuration:

sudo systemctl restart gauge

Last Steps

Faucet and the other components should now be properly configured and running on your Raspberry Pi. You can now connect a software switch up to faucet using Connect your first datapath.

It is also possible to add hardware into your network, see the Vendor-specific Documentation section for more information on how to configure the different vendor devices to faucet.

Click the faucet ../tutorials document to find more tutorials for setting up Access Control Lists, VLANs, and more.