Source code for faucet.conf

"""Base configuration implementation."""

# Copyright (C) 2015 Brad Cowie, Christopher Lorier and Joe Stringer.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2015--2017 The Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

[docs]class InvalidConfigError(Exception): """This error is thrown when the config file is not valid."""
[docs]class Conf(object): """Base class for FAUCET configuration.""" defaults = {} # type: dict defaults_types = {} # type: dict dyn_finalized = False dyn_hash = None def __init__(self, _id, dp_id, conf=None): self._id = _id self.dp_id = dp_id if conf is None: conf = {} # TODO: handle conf as a sequence. if isinstance(conf, dict): self.update(conf) self.set_defaults() self.check_config()
[docs] def set_defaults(self): """Set default values and run any basic sanity checks.""" for key, value in list(self.defaults.items()):
self._set_default(key, value) def _check_unknown_conf(self, conf): """Check that supplied conf dict doesn't specify keys not defined.""" sub_conf_names = set(conf.keys()) unknown_conf_names = sub_conf_names - set(self.defaults.keys()) assert not unknown_conf_names, '%s fields unknown in %s' % ( unknown_conf_names, self._id) def _check_conf_types(self, conf, conf_types): """Check that conf value is of the correct type.""" for conf_key, conf_value in list(conf.items()): assert conf_key in conf_types, '%s field unknown in %s (known types %s)' % ( conf_key, self._id, conf_types) if conf_value is not None: conf_type = conf_types[conf_key] assert isinstance(conf_value, conf_type), '%s value %s must be %s not %s' % ( conf_key, conf_value, conf_type, type(conf_value)) def _set_unknown_conf(self, conf, conf_types): for conf_key, conf_type in list(conf_types.items()): if conf_key not in conf: if conf_type == list: conf[conf_key] = [] else: conf[conf_key] = None return conf
[docs] def update(self, conf): """Parse supplied YAML config and sanity check.""" self.__dict__.update(conf) self._check_unknown_conf(conf)
self._check_conf_types(conf, self.defaults_types)
[docs] def check_config(self): """As far as possible, check config at instantiation time for errors, typically via assert."""
return def _conf_keys(self, conf, dyn=False, subconf=True, ignore_keys=None): """Return a list of key/values of attributes with dyn/Conf attributes/filtered.""" conf_keys = [] for key, value in list(conf.__dict__.items()): if not dyn and key.startswith('dyn'): continue if not subconf and isinstance(value, Conf): continue if ignore_keys and key in ignore_keys: continue conf_keys.append((key, value)) return conf_keys
[docs] def merge_dyn(self, other_conf): """Merge dynamic state from other conf object.""" for key, value in self._conf_keys(other_conf, dyn=True):
self.__dict__[key] = value def _set_default(self, key, value): if key not in self.__dict__ or self.__dict__[key] is None: self.__dict__[key] = value
[docs] def to_conf(self): """Return configuration as a dict.""" result = {} for key in self.defaults: if key != 'name': result[key] = self.__dict__[str(key)]
return result
[docs] def conf_hash(self, dyn=False, subconf=True, ignore_keys=None): return hash(frozenset(list(map(
str, self._conf_keys(self, dyn=dyn, subconf=subconf, ignore_keys=ignore_keys))))) def __hash__(self): if self.dyn_hash is not None: return self.dyn_hash dyn_hash = self.conf_hash(dyn=False, subconf=True) if self.dyn_finalized: self.dyn_hash = dyn_hash return dyn_hash
[docs] def finalize(self): """Configuration parsing marked complete."""
self.dyn_finalized = True
[docs] def ignore_subconf(self, other, ignore_keys=None): """Return True if this config same as other, ignoring sub config.""" return (self.conf_hash(dyn=False, subconf=False, ignore_keys=ignore_keys)
== other.conf_hash(dyn=False, subconf=False, ignore_keys=ignore_keys)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)