Source code for faucet.nsodbc

This module exposes an api to deal with db operations on no-sql databases.
Currently couchdb support is included.

import couchdb

COUCHDB = 'couchdb'
LOCALHOST = 'localhost'

[docs]def todict(conn_string, kwargs): """Converts the input connection string into a dictionary. Assumption: Connection string is of the format 'driver=couchdb;server=localhost;uid=database_uid;pwd=database_pwd' """ ret = {} conn_dict = {} for c_str in conn_string: arr = c_str.split(';') for elem in arr: temp = elem.split('=') ret[temp[0]] = temp[1] conn_dict = ret.copy() conn_dict.update(kwargs) return conn_dict
[docs]class NsOdbc(object): """An abstraction layer to make api calls to a non relational database. Currently the API provided is: connect create get_doc insert_update_doc delete_doc """ def __init__(self): self.version = '1.1' self.conn = None
[docs] def connect(self, *conn_string, **kwargs): """Returns a connection object required for further operations Input: connection string or connection parameters Returns: connection object """ conn_dict = {} conn_dict = todict(conn_string, kwargs) # couchdb specific block. if conn_dict['driver'] == COUCHDB: auth_pair = (conn_dict['uid'], conn_dict['pwd']) if conn_dict['server'] == LOCALHOST: cnxn = ConnectionCouch(couchdb.Server(), auth_pair) else: server_pair = "http://{0}:{1}/".format( conn_dict['server'], conn_dict['port']) cnxn = ConnectionCouch(couchdb.Server(server_pair), auth_pair) self.conn = cnxn return cnxn
[docs] def get_attributes(self): """Returns API version""" return self.version
[docs]class ConnectionCouch(object): """Connection class. This class is specific to couchdb operations. For others a new class will be needed (following same standards) """ def __init__(self, conn, credentials): self.conn = conn self.conn.resource.credentials = credentials self.database = {}
[docs] def create(self, db_name): """Create a database. If the database exists, return the same and send a True flag. This way, a connection object will only be created once. """ # TODO: initial connection failure not handled try: self.database[db_name] = DatabaseCouch(self.conn.create(db_name)) return self.database[db_name], False except couchdb.http.PreconditionFailed: self.database[db_name] = DatabaseCouch(self.conn[db_name]) return self.database[db_name], True
[docs] def connected_databases(self): """ Return the connected databases of this connection """ return self.database
[docs] def delete(self, db_name): """ Delete database specified in the parameter """ self.conn.delete(db_name)
[docs]class DatabaseCouch(object): """Database specific class exposing the API. """ def __init__(self, database): self.database = database
[docs] def insert_update_doc(self, doc, update_key=''): """Insert or update a document For updating, a key has to be provided against which a document will be updated """ try: doc_id, _ = return doc_id except couchdb.http.ResourceConflict: l_doc = self.database.get(doc['_id']) l_doc[update_key] = doc[update_key] doc_id, _ = return doc_id
[docs] def get_docs(self, view_url, key): """Select docs A view url is used as select query with the key as a where condition """ view_results = self.database.view(view_url, key=key) return view_results.rows
[docs] def delete_doc(self, doc_id): """ Delete document based on the doc id """ doc = self.database.get(doc_id) self.database.delete(doc)
[docs] def create_view(self, design, views): """ This is a couchdb functionality. Helps in creating views needed for querying the database. Input: Design name, view definition """ doc = {} doc["_id"] = "_design/" + design doc["language"] = "javascript" doc["views"] = views
[docs]def nsodbc_factory(): """factory method to consume the API""" return NsOdbc()
[docs]def init_flow_db(flow_database): """ Initialize/Refresh flow database Args: flow_database """ views = {} views["flow"] = {} views["flow"]["map"] = "function(doc) " + \ "{\n emit(doc._id, doc);\n}" views["match"] = {} views["match"]["map"] = "function(doc) " + \ "{\nif(" + \ "{\n emit(" + \ "[, " + \ "], " + \ "doc );\n}\n}" flow_database.create_view("flows", views)
[docs]def init_switch_db(switch_database): """ Initialize/refresh switch database Args: switch_database """ views = {} views["switch"] = {} views["switch"]["map"] = "function(doc) " + \ "{\n emit(doc._id, doc);\n}" switch_database.create_view("switches", views)