Source code for faucet.gauge_nsodbc

"""Library for interacting with ODBC databases."""

# Copyright (C) 2015 Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2015--2017 The Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from faucet.gauge_pollers import GaugeFlowTablePoller
from faucet.nsodbc import nsodbc_factory, init_switch_db, init_flow_db

[docs]class GaugeNsODBC(object): """ Helper class for NSODBC operations Inheritors must have a WatcherConf object as conf. """ conf = None db_update_counter = None conn_string = None switch_database = None flow_database = None conn = None
[docs] def setup(self): if self.conf is None: return self.conn_string = ( 'driver={0};server={1};port={2};uid={3};pwd={4}'.format( self.conf.driver, self.conf.db_ip, self.conf.db_port, self.conf.db_username, self.conf.db_password)) nsodbc = nsodbc_factory() self.conn = nsodbc.connect(self.conn_string) self.switch_database, exists = self.conn.create(self.conf.switches_doc) if not exists: init_switch_db(self.switch_database) self.flow_database, exists = self.conn.create(self.conf.flows_doc) if not exists: init_flow_db(self.flow_database) self.db_update_counter = int(self.conf.db_update_counter)
[docs] def refresh_switchdb(self): if self.conf is None: return self.conn.delete(self.conf.switches_doc) self.switch_database, _ = self.conn.create(self.conf.switches_doc) init_switch_db(self.switch_database)
[docs] def refresh_flowdb(self): if self.conf is None: return self.conn.delete(self.conf.flows_doc) self.flow_database, _ = self.conn.create(self.conf.flows_doc) init_flow_db(self.flow_database)
[docs]class GaugeFlowTableDBLogger(GaugeFlowTablePoller, GaugeNsODBC): """Periodically dumps the current datapath flow table to ODBC DB.""" def __init__(self, conf, logname, prom_client): super(GaugeFlowTableDBLogger, self).__init__(conf, logname, prom_client) self.setup()
[docs] def update(self, rcv_time, dp_id, msg): super(GaugeFlowTableDBLogger, self).update(rcv_time, dp_id, msg) jsondict = msg.to_jsondict() if self.db_update_counter == self.conf.db_update_counter: self.refresh_switchdb() switch_object = {'_id': str(hex(self.dp.dp_id)), 'data': {'flows': []}} self.switch_database.insert_update_doc(switch_object, 'data') try: rows = self.switch_database.get_docs( self.conf.views['switch_view'], key=str(hex(self.dp.dp_id))) switch = rows[0] except IndexError: switch = None if switch: self.refresh_flowdb() for f_msg in jsondict['OFPFlowStatsReply']['body']: flow_object = {'data': f_msg, 'tags': []} flow_id = self.flow_database.insert_update_doc( flow_object, '') switch.value['data']['flows'].append(flow_id) self.switch_database.insert_update_doc( switch.value, 'data') self.db_update_counter -= 1 if not self.db_update_counter: self.db_update_counter = self.conf.db_update_counter