Source code for faucet.valve_packet

"""Utility functions for parsing and building Ethernet packet/contents."""

# Copyright (C) 2013 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Brad Cowie, Christopher Lorier and Joe Stringer.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2015--2019 The Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import functools
import ipaddress
import socket
import struct
from netaddr import EUI

from os_ken.lib import addrconv
from os_ken.lib.mac import BROADCAST, DONTCARE, is_multicast, haddr_to_bin
from os_ken.lib.packet import (
    arp, bpdu, ethernet,
    icmp, icmpv6, ipv4, ipv6,
    lldp, slow, packet, vlan)
from os_ken.lib.packet.stream_parser import StreamParser

from faucet import valve_util
from faucet import valve_of

FAUCET_MAC = '0e:00:00:00:00:01'  # Default FAUCET MAC address

ICMP_ECHO_REQ_SIZE = 8 + 128  #
ICMP6_ECHO_REQ_SIZE = 8 + 128  #
ARP_PKT_SIZE = 46  #

ETH_EAPOL = 0x888e
EAPOL_ETH_DST = '01:80:c2:00:00:03'
BRIDGE_GROUP_MASK = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f0'
CISCO_CDP_VTP_UDLD_ADDRESS = '01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc'
CISCO_SPANNING_GROUP_ADDRESS = '01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd'
IPV6_ALL_NODES_MCAST = '33:33:00:00:00:01'
IPV6_ALL_ROUTERS_MCAST = '33:33:00:00:00:02'
IPV6_ALL_NODES = ipaddress.IPv6Address('ff02::1')



EUI_BITS = len(EUI(0).packed * 8)
MAC_MASK_BITMAP = {(2**EUI_BITS - 2**i): (EUI_BITS - i) for i in range(0, EUI_BITS + 1)}

[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def mac_mask_bits(mac_mask): """Return number of bits in MAC mask or 0.""" if mac_mask is not None: return MAC_MASK_BITMAP.get(EUI(mac_mask).value, 0) return 0
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def int_from_mac(mac): int_hi, int_lo = [int(i, 16) for i in mac.split(':')[-2:]] return (int_hi << 8) + int_lo
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def int_in_mac(mac, to_int): int_mac = mac.split(':')[:4] + [ '%x' % (to_int >> 8), '%x' % (to_int & 0xff)] return ':'.join(int_mac)
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def ipv4_parseable(ip_header_data): """Return True if an IPv4 packet we could parse.""" # TODO: python library parsers are fragile # Perform sanity checking on the header to limit exposure of the parser ipv4_header = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s', ip_header_data[:IPV4_HEADER_SIZE]) header_size = (ipv4_header[0] & 0xf) * 32 / 8 if header_size < IPV4_HEADER_SIZE: return False flags = ipv4_header[4] >> 12 # MF bit set if flags & 0x2: return False # fragment - discard ip_off = ipv4_header[4] & 0xfff if ip_off: return False # not a protocol conservatively known to parse protocol = ipv4_header[6] if protocol not in (socket.IPPROTO_ICMP, socket.IPPROTO_UDP, socket.IPPROTO_TCP): return False return True
[docs]def mac_byte_mask(mask_bytes=0): """Return a MAC address mask with n bytes masked out.""" assert mask_bytes <= 6 return ':'.join(['ff'] * mask_bytes + (['00'] * (6 - mask_bytes)))
[docs]def parse_eth_pkt(pkt): """Return parsed Ethernet packet. Args: pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet): packet received from dataplane. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Ethernet packet. """ return pkt.get_protocol(ethernet.ethernet)
[docs]def parse_lacp_pkt(pkt): """Return parsed LACP packet. Args: pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet): packet received from dataplane. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.lacp: LACP packet. """ return pkt.get_protocol(slow.lacp)
[docs]def parse_lldp(pkt): """Return parsed LLDP packet. Args: pkt (ryu.lib.packet.packet): packet received from dataplane. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.lldp: LLDP packet. """ return pkt.get_protocol(lldp.lldp)
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def parse_packet_in_pkt(data, max_len, eth_pkt=None, vlan_pkt=None): """Parse a packet received via packet in from the dataplane. Args: data (bytearray): packet data from dataplane. max_len (int): max number of packet data bytes to parse. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.packet: raw packet ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: parsed Ethernet packet. int: Ethernet type of packet (inside VLAN) int: VLAN VID (or None if no VLAN) """ pkt = None eth_type = None vlan_vid = None if max_len: data = data[:max_len] try: # Packet may or may not have a VLAN tag - whether it is user # traffic, or control like LACP/LLDP. if vlan_pkt is None: if eth_pkt is None: pkt = packet.Packet(data[:ETH_HEADER_SIZE]) eth_pkt = parse_eth_pkt(pkt) eth_type = eth_pkt.ethertype if eth_type == valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_8021Q: pkt, vlan_pkt = packet.Packet(data[:ETH_VLAN_HEADER_SIZE]) if vlan_pkt: vlan_vid = vlan_pkt.vid eth_type = vlan_pkt.ethertype if len(data) > ETH_VLAN_HEADER_SIZE: pkt = packet.Packet(data) except (AttributeError, AssertionError, StreamParser.TooSmallException): pass return (pkt, eth_pkt, eth_type, vlan_pkt, vlan_vid)
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def mac_addr_all_zeros(mac_addr): """Returns True if mac_addr is all zeros. Args: mac_addr (str): MAC address. Returns: bool: True if all zeros. """ mac_bin = haddr_to_bin(mac_addr) return mac_bin == DONTCARE
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def mac_addr_is_unicast(mac_addr): """Returns True if mac_addr is a unicast Ethernet address. Args: mac_addr (str): MAC address. Returns: bool: True if a unicast Ethernet address. """ mac_bin = haddr_to_bin(mac_addr) if mac_bin == BROADCAST: return False return not is_multicast(mac_bin)
[docs]def build_pkt_header(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, dl_type): """Return an Ethernet packet header. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): source Ethernet MAC address. eth_dst (str): destination Ethernet MAC address. dl_type (int): EtherType. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Ethernet packet with header. """ pkt_header = packet.Packet() if vid is None: eth_header = ethernet.ethernet( eth_dst, eth_src, dl_type) pkt_header.add_protocol(eth_header) else: eth_header = ethernet.ethernet( eth_dst, eth_src, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_8021Q) pkt_header.add_protocol(eth_header) vlan_header = vlan.vlan(vid=vid, ethertype=dl_type) pkt_header.add_protocol(vlan_header) return pkt_header
[docs]def lldp_beacon(eth_src, chassis_id, port_id, ttl, org_tlvs=None, system_name=None, port_descr=None): """Return an LLDP frame suitable for a host/access port. Args: eth_src (str): source Ethernet MAC address. chassis_id (str): Chassis ID. port_id (int): port ID, TTL (int): TTL for payload. org_tlvs (list): list of tuples of (OUI, subtype, info). Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Ethernet packet with header. """ pkt = build_pkt_header( None, eth_src, lldp.LLDP_MAC_NEAREST_BRIDGE, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_LLDP) tlvs = [ lldp.ChassisID( subtype=lldp.ChassisID.SUB_MAC_ADDRESS, chassis_id=addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(chassis_id)), lldp.PortID( subtype=lldp.PortID.SUB_INTERFACE_NAME, port_id=str(port_id).encode('utf-8')), lldp.TTL( ttl=ttl) ] for tlv, info_name, info in ( (lldp.SystemName, 'system_name', system_name), (lldp.PortDescription, 'port_description', port_descr)): if info is not None: info_args = {info_name: info.encode('UTF-8')} tlvs.append(tlv(**info_args)) if org_tlvs is not None: for tlv_oui, tlv_subtype, tlv_info in org_tlvs: tlvs.append( lldp.OrganizationallySpecific( oui=tlv_oui, subtype=tlv_subtype, info=tlv_info)) tlvs.append(lldp.End()) lldp_pkt = lldp.lldp(tlvs) pkt.add_protocol(lldp_pkt) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]def faucet_oui(mac): """Return first 3 bytes of MAC address (given as str).""" return addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(mac)[:3]
[docs]def faucet_lldp_tlvs(dp): """Return LLDP TLVs for a datapath.""" tlvs = [] tlvs.append( (faucet_oui(dp.faucet_dp_mac), LLDP_FAUCET_DP_ID, str(dp.dp_id).encode('utf-8'))) return tlvs
[docs]def faucet_lldp_stack_state_tlvs(dp, port): """Return a LLDP TLV for state of a stack port.""" tlvs = [] if not port.stack: return [] tlvs.append( ( faucet_oui(dp.faucet_dp_mac), LLDP_FAUCET_STACK_STATE, str(port.dyn_stack_current_state).encode('utf-8'))) return tlvs
[docs]def tlvs_by_type(tlvs, tlv_type): """Return list of TLVs with matching type.""" return [tlv for tlv in tlvs if tlv.tlv_type == tlv_type]
[docs]def tlvs_by_subtype(tlvs, subtype): """Return list of TLVs with matching type.""" return [tlv for tlv in tlvs if tlv.subtype == subtype]
[docs]def tlv_cast(tlvs, tlv_attr, cast_func): """Return cast'd attribute of first TLV or None.""" tlv_val = None if tlvs: try: tlv_val = cast_func(getattr(tlvs[0], tlv_attr)) except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): pass return tlv_val
[docs]def faucet_tlvs(lldp_pkt, faucet_dp_mac): """Return list of TLVs with FAUCET OUI.""" return [tlv for tlv in tlvs_by_type( lldp_pkt.tlvs, lldp.LLDP_TLV_ORGANIZATIONALLY_SPECIFIC) if tlv.oui == faucet_oui(faucet_dp_mac)]
[docs]def parse_faucet_lldp(lldp_pkt, faucet_dp_mac): """Parse and return FAUCET TLVs from LLDP packet.""" remote_dp_id = None remote_dp_name = None remote_port_id = None remote_port_state = None tlvs = faucet_tlvs(lldp_pkt, faucet_dp_mac) if tlvs: dp_id_tlvs = tlvs_by_subtype(tlvs, LLDP_FAUCET_DP_ID) dp_name_tlvs = tlvs_by_type(lldp_pkt.tlvs, lldp.LLDP_TLV_SYSTEM_NAME) port_id_tlvs = tlvs_by_type(lldp_pkt.tlvs, lldp.LLDP_TLV_PORT_ID) port_state_tlvs = tlvs_by_subtype(tlvs, LLDP_FAUCET_STACK_STATE) remote_dp_id = tlv_cast(dp_id_tlvs, 'info', int) remote_port_id = tlv_cast(port_id_tlvs, 'port_id', int) remote_port_state = tlv_cast(port_state_tlvs, 'info', int) remote_dp_name = tlv_cast(dp_name_tlvs, 'system_name', valve_util.utf8_decode) return (remote_dp_id, remote_dp_name, remote_port_id, remote_port_state)
[docs]def lacp_actor_up(lacp_pkt): """Return 1 if remote LACP link is up.""" if (lacp_pkt.actor_state_synchronization and lacp_pkt.actor_state_collecting and lacp_pkt.actor_state_distributing): return 1 return 0
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def lacp_reqreply(eth_src, actor_system, actor_key, actor_port, actor_port_priority=0, actor_state_synchronization=0, actor_state_activity=0, actor_state_collecting=1, actor_state_distributing=1, partner_system='00:00:00:00:00:00', partner_key=0, partner_port=0, partner_system_priority=0, partner_port_priority=0, partner_state_defaulted=0, partner_state_expired=0, partner_state_timeout=0, partner_state_collecting=0, partner_state_distributing=0, partner_state_aggregation=0, partner_state_synchronization=0, partner_state_activity=0): """Return a LACP frame. Args: eth_src (str): source Ethernet MAC address. actor_system (str): actor system ID (MAC address) actor_key (int): actor's LACP key assigned to this port. actor_port (int): actor port number. actor_state_synchronization (int): 1 if we will use this link. actor_state_activity (int): 1 if actively sending LACP. actor_state_collecting (int): 1 if receiving on this link. actor_state_distibuting (int): 1 if transmitting on this link. partner_system (str): partner system ID (MAC address) partner_key (int): partner's LACP key assigned to this port. partner_port (int): partner port number. partner_system_priority (int): partner's system priority. partner_port_priority (int): partner's port priority. partner_state_defaulted (int): 1 if partner reverted to defaults. partner_state_expired (int): 1 if partner thinks LACP expired. partner_state_timeout (int): 1 if partner has short timeout. partner_state_collecting (int): 1 if partner receiving on this link. partner_state_distributing (int): 1 if partner transmitting on this link. partner_state_aggregation (int): 1 if partner can aggregate this link. partner_state_synchronization (int): 1 if partner will use this link. partner_state_activity (int): 1 if partner actively sends LACP. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Ethernet packet with header. """ pkt = build_pkt_header( None, eth_src, slow.SLOW_PROTOCOL_MULTICAST, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_SLOW) lacp_pkt = slow.lacp( version=1, actor_system=actor_system, actor_port=actor_port, partner_system=partner_system, partner_port=partner_port, actor_key=actor_key, partner_key=partner_key, actor_system_priority=65535, partner_system_priority=partner_system_priority, actor_port_priority=actor_port_priority, partner_port_priority=partner_port_priority, actor_state_defaulted=0, partner_state_defaulted=partner_state_defaulted, actor_state_expired=0, partner_state_expired=partner_state_expired, actor_state_timeout=1, partner_state_timeout=partner_state_timeout, actor_state_collecting=actor_state_collecting, partner_state_collecting=partner_state_collecting, actor_state_distributing=actor_state_distributing, partner_state_distributing=partner_state_distributing, actor_state_aggregation=1, partner_state_aggregation=partner_state_aggregation, actor_state_synchronization=actor_state_synchronization, partner_state_synchronization=partner_state_synchronization, actor_state_activity=actor_state_activity, partner_state_activity=partner_state_activity) pkt.add_protocol(lacp_pkt) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def arp_request(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip): """Return an ARP request packet. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): Ethernet source address. eth_dst (str): Ethernet destination address. src_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address): source IPv4 address. dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address): requested IPv4 address. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.arp: serialized ARP request packet. """ pkt = build_pkt_header( vid, eth_src, eth_dst, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP) arp_pkt = arp.arp( opcode=arp.ARP_REQUEST, src_mac=eth_src, src_ip=str(src_ip), dst_mac=valve_of.mac.DONTCARE_STR, dst_ip=str(dst_ip)) pkt.add_protocol(arp_pkt) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def arp_reply(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip): """Return an ARP reply packet. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): Ethernet source address. eth_dst (str): destination Ethernet MAC address. src_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address): source IPv4 address. dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address): destination IPv4 address. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.arp: serialized ARP reply packet. """ pkt = build_pkt_header(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP) arp_pkt = arp.arp( opcode=arp.ARP_REPLY, src_mac=eth_src, src_ip=src_ip, dst_mac=eth_dst, dst_ip=dst_ip) pkt.add_protocol(arp_pkt) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]def echo_reply(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip, data): """Return an ICMP echo reply packet. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): Ethernet source address. eth_dst (str): destination Ethernet MAC address. src_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address): source IPv4 address. dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv4Address): destination IPv4 address. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.icmp: serialized ICMP echo reply packet. """ pkt = build_pkt_header(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IP) ipv4_pkt = ipv4.ipv4( dst=dst_ip, src=src_ip, proto=valve_of.inet.IPPROTO_ICMP) pkt.add_protocol(ipv4_pkt) icmp_pkt = icmp.icmp( type_=icmp.ICMP_ECHO_REPLY, code=icmp.ICMP_ECHO_REPLY_CODE, data=data) pkt.add_protocol(icmp_pkt) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def ipv6_solicited_node_from_ucast(ucast): """Return IPv6 solicited node multicast address from IPv6 unicast address. See RFC 3513 section 2.7.1. Args: ucast (ipaddress.IPv6Address): IPv6 unicast address. Returns: ipaddress.IPv6Address: IPv6 solicited node multicast address. """ link_mcast_prefix = ipaddress.ip_interface('ff02::1:ff00:0/104') mcast_bytes = link_mcast_prefix.packed[:13] + ucast.packed[-3:] link_mcast = ipaddress.IPv6Address(mcast_bytes) return link_mcast
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def nd_request(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip): """Return IPv6 neighbor discovery request packet. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): source Ethernet MAC address. eth_dst (str): Ethernet destination address. src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address): source IPv6 address. dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address): requested IPv6 address. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Serialized IPv6 neighbor discovery packet. """ if mac_addr_is_unicast(eth_dst): nd_mac = eth_dst nd_ip = dst_ip else: nd_mac = ipv6_link_eth_mcast(dst_ip) nd_ip = ipv6_solicited_node_from_ucast(dst_ip) pkt = build_pkt_header(vid, eth_src, nd_mac, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IPV6) ipv6_pkt = ipv6.ipv6( src=str(src_ip), dst=nd_ip, nxt=valve_of.inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6) pkt.add_protocol(ipv6_pkt) icmpv6_pkt = icmpv6.icmpv6( type_=icmpv6.ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT, data=icmpv6.nd_neighbor( dst=dst_ip, option=icmpv6.nd_option_sla(hw_src=eth_src))) pkt.add_protocol(icmpv6_pkt) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def nd_advert(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip): """Return IPv6 neighbor avertisement packet. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): source Ethernet MAC address. eth_dst (str): destination Ethernet MAC address. src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address): source IPv6 address. dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address): destination IPv6 address. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Serialized IPv6 neighbor discovery packet. """ pkt = build_pkt_header( vid, eth_src, eth_dst, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IPV6) ipv6_icmp6 = ipv6.ipv6( src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip, nxt=valve_of.inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6, hop_limit=IPV6_MAX_HOP_LIM) pkt.add_protocol(ipv6_icmp6) icmpv6_nd_advert = icmpv6.icmpv6( type_=icmpv6.ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT, data=icmpv6.nd_neighbor( dst=src_ip, option=icmpv6.nd_option_tla(hw_src=eth_src), res=7)) pkt.add_protocol(icmpv6_nd_advert) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]def icmpv6_echo_reply(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip, hop_limit, id_, seq, data): r"""Return IPv6 ICMP echo reply packet. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): source Ethernet MAC address. eth_dst (str): destination Ethernet MAC address. src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address): source IPv6 address. dst_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address): destination IPv6 address. hop_limit (int): IPv6 hop limit. id_ (int): identifier for echo reply. seq (int): sequence number for echo reply. data (str): payload for echo reply. Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Serialized IPv6 ICMP echo reply packet. """ pkt = build_pkt_header( vid, eth_src, eth_dst, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IPV6) ipv6_reply = ipv6.ipv6( src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip, nxt=valve_of.inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6, hop_limit=hop_limit) pkt.add_protocol(ipv6_reply) icmpv6_reply = icmpv6.icmpv6( type_=icmpv6.ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY, data=icmpv6.echo(id_=id_, seq=seq, data=data)) pkt.add_protocol(icmpv6_reply) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]def router_advert(vid, eth_src, eth_dst, src_ip, dst_ip, vips, pi_flags=0x6): """Return IPv6 ICMP Router Advert. Args: vid (int or None): VLAN VID to use (or None). eth_src (str): source Ethernet MAC address. eth_dst (str): dest Ethernet MAC address. src_ip (ipaddress.IPv6Address): source IPv6 address. vips (list): prefixes (ipaddress.IPv6Address) to advertise. pi_flags (int): flags to set in prefix information field (default set A and L) Returns: ryu.lib.packet.ethernet: Serialized IPv6 ICMP RA packet. """ pkt = build_pkt_header( vid, eth_src, eth_dst, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IPV6) ipv6_pkt = ipv6.ipv6( src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip, nxt=valve_of.inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6, hop_limit=IPV6_MAX_HOP_LIM) pkt.add_protocol(ipv6_pkt) options = [] for vip in vips: options.append( icmpv6.nd_option_pi(,, res1=pi_flags, val_l=86400, pre_l=14400, )) options.append(icmpv6.nd_option_sla(hw_src=eth_src)) # icmpv6_ra_pkt = icmpv6.icmpv6( type_=icmpv6.ND_ROUTER_ADVERT, data=icmpv6.nd_router_advert( rou_l=1800, ch_l=IPV6_RA_HOP_LIM, options=options)) pkt.add_protocol(icmpv6_ra_pkt) pkt.serialize() return pkt
[docs]class PacketMeta: """Original, and parsed Ethernet packet metadata.""" __slots__ = [ 'data', 'orig_len', 'pkt', 'eth_pkt', 'vlan_pkt', 'port', 'vlan', 'eth_src', 'eth_dst', 'eth_type', 'l3_pkt', 'l3_src', 'l3_dst', ] ETH_TYPES_PARSERS = { valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IP: (4, ipv4_parseable, ipv4.ipv4), valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP: (None, None, arp.arp), valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IPV6: (6, None, ipv6.ipv6), } MIN_ETH_TYPE_PKT_SIZE = { valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP: VLAN_ARP_REQ_PKT_SIZE, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IP: ETH_VLAN_HEADER_SIZE + IPV4_HEADER_SIZE, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IPV6: ETH_VLAN_HEADER_SIZE + IPV6_HEADER_SIZE, } MAX_ETH_TYPE_PKT_SIZE = { valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP: VLAN_ARP_PKT_SIZE, valve_of.ether.ETH_TYPE_IP: VLAN_ICMP_ECHO_REQ_SIZE, } def __init__(self, data, orig_len, pkt, eth_pkt, vlan_pkt, port, valve_vlan, eth_src, eth_dst, eth_type): = data self.orig_len = orig_len self.pkt = pkt self.eth_pkt = eth_pkt self.vlan_pkt = vlan_pkt self.port = port self.vlan = valve_vlan self.eth_src = eth_src self.eth_dst = eth_dst self.eth_type = eth_type self.l3_pkt = None self.l3_src = None self.l3_dst = None
[docs] def log(self): vlan_msg = '' if self.vlan: vlan_msg = 'VLAN %u' % self.vlan.vid return '%s (L2 type 0x%4.4x, L2 dst %s, L3 src %s, L3 dst %s) %s %s' % ( self.eth_src, self.eth_type, self.eth_dst, self.l3_src, self.l3_dst, self.port, vlan_msg)
[docs] def reparse(self, max_len): """Reparse packet using data up to the specified maximum length.""" pkt, eth_pkt, eth_type, vlan_pkt, _ = parse_packet_in_pkt(, max_len, eth_pkt=self.eth_pkt, vlan_pkt=self.vlan_pkt) if pkt is None or eth_type is None: return right_size = self.MAX_ETH_TYPE_PKT_SIZE.get(eth_type, len( if len( > right_size: =[:right_size] self.pkt = pkt self.eth_pkt = eth_pkt self.vlan_pkt = vlan_pkt
[docs] def reparse_all(self): """Reparse packet with all available data.""" self.reparse(0)
[docs] def ip_ver(self): """Return IP version number.""" if len( > ETH_VLAN_HEADER_SIZE: ip_header =[ETH_VLAN_HEADER_SIZE:] return ip_header[0] >> 4 return None
[docs] def reparse_ip(self, payload=0): """Reparse packet with specified IP header type and optionally payload.""" if self.eth_type in self.ETH_TYPES_PARSERS: header_size = self.MIN_ETH_TYPE_PKT_SIZE[self.eth_type] ip_ver, ip_parseable, pkt_parser = self.ETH_TYPES_PARSERS[self.eth_type] if ip_ver is not None: if ip_ver != self.ip_ver(): return if self.vlan is not None and self.vlan.minimum_ip_size_check: if len( < header_size: return ip_header_data =[ETH_VLAN_HEADER_SIZE:] if ip_parseable is not None and not ip_parseable(ip_header_data): return parse_limit = header_size + payload self.reparse(parse_limit) self.l3_pkt = self.pkt.get_protocol(pkt_parser) if self.l3_pkt: if hasattr(self.l3_pkt, 'src'): self.l3_src = self.l3_pkt.src self.l3_dst = self.l3_pkt.dst elif hasattr(self.l3_pkt, 'src_ip'): self.l3_src = self.l3_pkt.src_ip self.l3_dst = self.l3_pkt.dst_ip self.l3_src = ipaddress.ip_address(self.l3_src) self.l3_dst = ipaddress.ip_address(self.l3_dst)
[docs] def packet_complete(self): """True if we have the complete packet.""" return len( == self.orig_len